The Honkening

Honk Honkler

Mass protest against medical apartheid has broken out in the least likely place in the least expected way.

The Freedom Truckers are descending upon Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, and it is quite a sight to behold.

Freedom Truckers

The convoy that descended on Canada’s capital city of Ottawa over the weekend is said to be 50,000 strong. The protesters have raised a war chest totaling millions of dollars, which they estimate will allow them to continue protesting Canada’s Covid mandates for 2-4 years.

How are the truckers protesting medical tyranny? Are they rioting, burning down businesses, and beating innocent pedestrians?

Nope. They’re honking.


For days.

Canadian coof cultists took to Reddit to express their dismay.

Redditor Honking

Redditor Honking 2

Redditor Honking 3

Hardest hit by the Honkening was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has fled the incessant beeping to seek refuge at an undisclosed location in the United States.

The protest was instigated at least in part by the PM calling truckers opposed to US-Canadian border vaccine passes a “small, fringe minority.”

A fringe minority which must not be an exclusively Canadian phenomenon, because the trucker protests are spreading to other countries.

Will the Freedom Convoys secure substantial relief from Covid tyranny? It’s doubtful. But the white pill is twofold: first, that vocal mass resistance has broken out in one of the most naturally compliant populations on Earth. Second, that our enemies are growing less stable and more demoralized by the hour.

I is now clear to everyone that society has bifurcated into two groups with two irreconcilable visions of reality. Living side by side is not feasible. What we are witnessing is the next phase of civilizational divorce.


The first big step

Read now:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Rudolph Harrier

    We are mere days away from “honk honk” being firmly established as a “white supremacist dog whistle” in the eyes of the normies.

    Homestuck fanfiction writers and commies with Chen Yakumo avatars hardest hit.

    • D Cal

      Firstly, why do the commies love Chen? Wouldn’t Meiling be more appropriate?

      Secondly, it already is. What stereotypes come to people’s minds when they think of truck drivers?

      • Xavier Basora


        The CBC trotted out Russia!Russia!Russia.

        Also in the Quebec press they found some ex journalist trucker who opposes the convoy. Riiiiight.
        You simply can’t imagine how this protest has broken the elites. Their babbling litany of useless prayers to enchant a safe space is bemusing if it weren’t cringe.

        The vaccine magic voodoo juju no longer frighten the deplorables.


        • Of course, now that the powers that be are no longer colluding with Russia, Ukraine is in danger again.

    • Maybe less so, actually. “Honk honk” is already associated with Pepe memes about the state of society, as Brian fully acknowledges here. Honking because you hate covid mandates is a bit more universal. Sure, the media could try to spin it that way, but it wouldn’t work out half as well as their current strategy (read: making like it’s the March for Life and not covering it.)

  2. One really feels for those people that have to suffer mild inconvenience when those in the province right next to them are treated as third class citizens that can’t even go to Church, visit anyone, and aren’t even able to leave the province if they disagree with their treatment as lesser beings. If you need any further proof that urbanites live in their own plastic bubble wrapped away from reality, this is it.

    It is a good sign that there are plenty of Canadians willing to stick up for what is right. Hopefully once there is a break in the clouds, there is also a mass exodus from the most heavily affected areas. Although we will have to see what happens next from the higher class of humans, of course. Perhaps they’ll just jump straight to camps while the urbanites seal clap along with it. About as realistic a reaction as any.

    • Oh, and Nova Scotia basically just made protesting like this illegal. Another reason why the maritime provinces are circling the drain.

      • Xavier Basora


        and Quebec turned off the highway cameras when the convoy passed. Citing privacy concerns. Yeah right after imposing the vaccine passport and salivating overtaxing the unvaxxed.

        The convoy has broken the elites. They’re freaking out the plebs no longer comply or fear


    • There’s an article making the rounds by a writer from Quebec who vacationed in Florida recently. The whole piece is him struggling to square the contradiction between Canadian state propaganda and his own two eyes. Spoiler alert: The massive CogDis doesn’t budge his childlike faith in the coof cult.

      • Xavier Basora


        I bet it’s a journalist from either the (Montreal) Gazette or TorStar (Toronto Star).


  3. Man of the Atom

    Since the Mainstream Media has propagandized for decades that if a leader flees his country he is no longer the leader, the sooner those truckers get busy in appointing a new PM and purging the government, the sooner Canada can get back to a state of normalcy.

    Enjoy your US internment/asylum, Fidel Junior and Family.

    • His alleged father was willing to be nuked rather than be driven from his country. The apple has fallen far from the tree, indeed.

  4. CantusTropus

    The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t He? Who a month ago would have suggested that something like this would happen? Certainly it isn’t the kind of thing historians would expect to happen.

    • History always moves in crooked lines, but God can draw straight with them.

  5. Chris Lopes

    This is Canada we are talking about, not exactly MAGA country. The COVID restrictions are stupid, even our polite to a fault neighbors to the north see that.

  6. Durandel

    @Brian: do you think peaceful protest/civil disobedience works on non-Christian leaders and a deChristianized populace? If yes, how do you see it playing out?

    • My answer, while we wait for Brian: Yes, because they happen to be wimps.

    • Look at the past couple of years and the Yellow Vests, Stop the Steal, Anti-Vax demonstrations, and you have your answer.

      Street theater is the Left’s forte. All it gets dissidents is beaten, arrested, and thrown in federal torture dungeons.

      • Durandel

        Agreed. I’ve also seen others say disengagement and building parallel structures is viable, but with enemies like these, I see zero explanation given as to why our enemy won’t come and crush said parallel structures (your recent crypto post is an example of this).

        I’m wondering if the calls for civil disobedience is wishful thinking on our side, because deep down, our side is not ready to sacrifice what we have should we fight.

        • Most normies are still glued to Monday Night Football and Mouse Wars. Nothing changes until they start feeling real pain, and it’ll take a lot to overcome the Pop Cult narcotics’ effects.

    • Rudolph Harrier

      For non-violent demonstrations to work a few things are necessary:

      1.) The government either isn’t willing or sees a massive downside in terms of just meeting non-violence with violence. (Usually this is a moral code or the fear of public uprising if they respond with violence.)

      2.) The demonstrators must be willing to accept persecution and imprisonment. (As Gandhi said “where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.”)

      3.) The continued persecution or imprisonment of the demonstrators must further their aims. If Gandhi could have been thrown in a oubliette somewhere without the world noticing, then that’s what would have happened.

      We still have property 1.), though largely due to cowardice of the government rather that any moral reason. There is still some fear of the populace, but there is also a portion of the populace which is eager to see violence used on their political opponents (I think all of us have encountered at least one leftist who has unironically said that the January 6th protests should have been resolved by shooting all present as enemy combatants.)

      Property 2.) is hit and miss. Many who attend these things are serious and prepare both legally and mentally. But many others don’t really know what they are getting into and react to adversity with cowardice. But this is something we could deal with if we really wanted to organize a non-violent demonstration.

      Property 3.) is where we fail the most. The truth is that most people, even on the right, do not care about the imprisonment of non-violent protestors and even those who do care are not really outraged about it. They can and have locked people up without charge and without blowback.

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