Infanticide Cancelled, Demons Mad

Demons Mad

Hot on the heels of Elon Musk buying Twitter and the Ghost of Kiev being outed as a hoax comes what may be the final hammer blow to the Leftist psyche:

Pro-abortion activists slammed a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion which signaled that justices would likely overturn Roe v. Wade, claiming the decision would diminish women’s rights and pledging to fight while abortion remains a constitutional right.

Politico published the Court’s leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case Monday, revealing that a majority of justices had decided in December to overturn Roe during a non-binding vote. Pro-abortion groups vowed to fight back, emphasizing that the decision was not yet final.

While it’s true that ritual child sacrifice is still enshrined as part of the ruling Death Cult’s de facto established religion – for now – Christians have cause to celebrate.

If only for the droves of self-proclaimed civilized people rushing to expose themselves as bloodthirsty witches

“Let’s be clear: This is a draft opinion. It’s outrageous, it’s unprecedented, but it is not final. Abortion is your right — and it is STILL LEGAL,” Planned Parenthood wrote. “While abortion is still legal, tonight’s report makes clear that our deepest fears are coming true.”  

By the way, “Let’s be clear” is the Leftist analogue of “Let us pray.” And their admission that no longer being allowed to murder infants is their deepest fear leaves no ambiguity as to which cult they follow.

“The leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is not final. While this leak is unprecedented, it’s important to know that Roe still stands and abortion is still legal. But it’s clear that we need to fight harder than ever before,” NARAL said.

As if to prove that Leftist caricatures of Christians as unthinking cretins parroting dogma are just projection.

“If #SCOTUS overturns #Roe it will be an unjustified, unprecedented stripping away of a guaranteed right that has been in place for nearly five decades. It would represent the most damaging setback to the rights of women in the history of our country,” CRR said.

“And we know who will experience the greatest harms, should that happen: Black, Indigenous & other people of color, women, the LGBTQI+ community, immigrants, young people, those working to make ends meet and people with disabilities,” the organization added.

Let’s take CRR at their word. If the groups they named are so invested in killing babies that overturning Roe v Wade would do them great harm, are we sure we want them voting?

Moloch Map

Demons mad.

Make sure not to give them money.

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Rudolph Harrier

    This really has been useful as a witch test in Catholic circles. Well maybe not so much a test as a final confirmation since I think we all suspected that the Catholics objecting to the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned never cared about abortion in the first place.

    While I haven’t seen anyone in the Catholic sphere straight up say “we need Roe v. Wade because we need to be able to kill babies” the lies being used to justify outrage are so blatant that I can’t imagine we are supposed to take them seriously. The most common one I’ve seen is “trying to use a law to restrict a behavior has never been successful” which is dumb by itself, but is always posted by someone who is all on board for laws to regulate “hate speech,” “discrimination,” etc. and who always support things like vaccine and mask mandates.

    • Violations of natural law should be crimes under civil law. The Church’s legal tradition on this matter is unambiguous.

  2. Man of the Atom

    Moloch worshipers hardest hit!

  3. Rudolph Harrier

    In the secular world my favorite comment from the outrage has been this:

    “If the shoe was on the other foot and men like you could have their whole lives ruined by one instance of sex that led to conception, how would you react?”

    Lack of awareness so powerful that it creates a black hole.

    • Jesus Freak

      Answer is so simple. Don’t have sex.

  4. D Cal

    The flip side is that we have to take care of our wives. Never sire children, then dip before you can witness their birth; never allow your wife to wander alone through a den of rapacious predators. Never leave her in a position in which she would even consider an abortion in the first place.

    To think that no marriageable Catholic woman would ever consent to killing her children is no different than thinking that no Christian sailor of the British Royal Navy would ever resort to cannibalism.

    SPOILER ALERT! They did. Be the husband and the father that God calls you to be. Only then can you call upon your wife to be a Mary-like mother.

      • Ave Christus

        Nah, it must be a complete coincidence that no republics in history let them vote prior to the modern era.

        • Rudolph Harrier

          If you’ve never read Bertrand Russell’s response to the anti-suffragists, you should. The majority of points consist of him saying that his opponents claim that women voting would lead to negative repercussions that Russell simply declares as unreasonable.

          Almost all of the predictions of the anti-suffragists have of course come to pass, we just now pretend that they aren’t negative consequences.

          • Ave Christus

            Very much how the 90s-era predictions that Participation Trophy upbringing for children would result in adults that couldn’t handle life were mocked at the time, yet they all came true.

  5. Andrew Phillips

    “Unprecedented leak” must be newspeak for “blatant attempt to pressure the court.” Of course, it’s also more of the same from the doxxing set. They must be desperate.

    Let us pray the Supremes who voted the strike this wickedness down will stick to their guns. If we were not in the midst of the Great Feast of Easter, I would propose fasting with that intention.

    • D Cal

      Why not fast anyway? The Code of Canon Law already requires an all-seasons Friday fast for non-Americans.

      • Andrew Phillips

        Good point. I’m relatively new to observing the calendar. I’m a Methodist, so both fasting and feasting are matters of personal discretion. OTOH, the Pascha Nostrum does say, “Let us keep the feast.” It seems right and good to follow the fasts of Lent with a relaxation of that discipline until Pentecost. But, on the other other hand, we are fighting a war.

    • D Cal

      Correction: the Friday penance is actually abstinence from meat. We can at least feast for Easter on vegan foods, if that will help.

    • The leak probably came from the DNC to rally their base for the midterms.

      • D Cal

        Nothing good happens in America without a catch. I can’t for the midterms to turn into a giant blue wave and for the Republicans to remark, “Oh well. We tried.”

      • Andrew Phillips

        That’s less awful than my theory, which is that they are trying to generate outrage that would pressure the court to change their ruling on this case. I really hope you’re right.

        • Rudolph Harrier

          It’s both.

      • You are still too invested in the system. This is the same process that cemented a blatant coup and imposed two years of medical apartheid.

        This is also the same court that declared men in skirts a protected class.

        With rare exceptions, the paid actors in Congress and the black wizards on SCOTUS do as our rulers tell them. Our lot isn’t to hope on relief from within the system, but to take maximum advantage of disruptions from black swan events.

  6. Xavier Basora

    On CNN, there was a politician ree’ing how Kavanagh literally lied to the committee. Yeah, i can see howKavanagh stuck the knife in Roe as his revenge for what he was put through
    On another note, this leak is biting more than the Derek Chauvin jury intimidation tactics applied to the supreme court judges. The blasphemed against the one sacrament for which there’s no forgiveness for the death cult.


    • Eoin Moloney

      The Death Cult doesn’t believe in forgiveness to begin with, so I don’t think that’ll realistically make a big difference.

    • Jesus Freak

      Hahaha jokes on them. The Senate had asked the judges if they would uphold Roe v Wade as the “law of the land”. When the judges overturned Roe, they accused them of perjury.

      But there is no perjury to begin with because there is no lie. The Senators simply misunderstand how the common law works, that it is meant to be changed and developed in the hands of the judges. The “law of the land” is what the judges pronounce it to be.

  7. Coronald McDonald

    >>> “By the way, “Let’s be clear” is the Leftist analogue of “Let us pray.”

    That is a splendid observation. It’s also easier to say those 3.5 words than “attention: we are going to momentarily pause our perpetual prevaricating and obfuscating, so listen up!”

    • Once you learn to spot the Death Cult’s liturgical language, you can’t unsee it.

      If you want a primer, go read any corporate memo or mission statement.

  8. One heartening thing is the level of vicious and brutal mockery aimed at the baby killers. These twisted, bloodthirsty freaks are not used to being made fun of by the cool kids. You love to see it.

    • For all his faults, Alinsky was right. There’s no defense against ridicule.

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