Hobgoblins Lobbying Walgreens

Hobby Lobby Protest

A favorite idle pastime of Conservatives is chuckling online about how weak, dumb, and crazy Leftists are.

Then they go back to binge-streaming the latest Disney skinsuit. Meanwhile, the Left boycotts businesses for real or imagined infractions of their Death Cult creed.

Walgreens is catching major flack from the perpetually outraged on Twitter over a reasonable policy — employees have the right to “step away from filling a prescription for which they have a moral objection.”

Some on the Right may applaud Walgreens’ policy. But closer scrutiny reveals it as self-negating nonsense. A moral objection clause is only necessary in a culture that lacks a unifying set of moral understandings. Yet it can’t work because no one in such a society can agree on a definition of morality.

Rumors of the boycott began with the emergence of anecdotal stories about women being denied birth control. One user posted a picture of a box of Enfamil baby formula, saying that she received the package after purchasing a pregnancy test at Walgreens. The makers of Enfamil have denied the poster’s unsubstantiated claim that it used customers’ data from Walgreens.

Again, the NormieCon response is “I’ll take ‘Things that never happened for 1000, Alex!”

And yes, the above anecdote is a transparent hoax by a Leftoid acting on her NPC conditioning. The smart bet is on a menopausal wine aunt in a hissy fit over the repeal of Roe v Wade staging a Death Cult ritual hexing. It’s the work of a primitive cargo cultist attempting sympathetic magic by cobbling together a box of items that symbolize her enemies. She’s upset that committing infanticide is harder now, even though she has no chance of becoming pregnant. Hence her predicating the whole story on the purchase of a pregnancy test – a symbol of her resentment at being a genetic dead end. Her cat profile pic is a dead giveaway.

But the real tell is the baby formula, which arises from the knee-jerk  association with something that is

  1. Baby-related
  2. Flyover rubes like, because
  3. They’re using it to bash Biden

Remember that a defining feature of Death Cultists is that they have no idea how normal people think and live. Hence the bizarre cultist-perpetrated hoaxes involving backwards swastikas and misidentified nooses. Once you learn to spot the pattern, it’s impossible to miss how the baby formula ruse fits it to a T.

What normies do miss is that these hoaxes aren’t for them, or even the targeted company. They’re public devotions meant to signal and encourage other members of the Death Cult. Just as a Eucharistic procession elevates and strengthens Christ’s flock, public lies about victimization by christofascists rally Satan’s brood.

Here’s another example from Twitter.

Hobby Lobby

A key to understanding Death Cultist behavior is that their identity is 100% negative. They are what non-cultists are not. That’s why they talk like they’ve never met a Conservative or a Christian. Finding out that the reality is nothing like the Black Legend blood libels they’re fed would cause agonizing cognitive dissonance.

It’s also why, in the absence of any real threat, Death Cultists have to cook up fake moral crises. They are the stunning and brave underdogs engaged in the final battle at the end of history against the forces of darkness. Genuine threats are hard to find since they control every cultural and governmental institution, so they invent it.

Hobby Lobby is a crafts chain whose policies aspire to the bare minimum of Christian ethics. So they’re among the Death Cult’s favorite whipping boys. Hobby Lobby’s latest transgression of Leftist pieties? Running a newspaper ad that includes a line everybody grew up reciting in the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.

Again, the default Conservative response online has been sperging about the First Amendment and pointing out that separation of Church and state is not in the Constitution. And again, they miss the point. Make that two points, because the Constitution stopped mattering a long time ago.

The main point Conservatives must keep in mind is that absurd Death Cult stunts like these are casting calls for you to come on stage and don the devil horns in their morality plays.

Death Cultists are nothing without a cartoon bogeyman to jeer at.

Don’t give them one.

And don’t give money or attention to people who hate you.

Learn how:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Matthew L. Martin

    They learned the art of defining themselves negatively from their father:

    “The essence of God is existence, and He defines Himself as: ‘I am Who am. ‘ The essence of the devil is the lie, and he defines himself as: ‘I am who am not.'”–Ven. Fulton Sheen

  2. Rudolph Harrier

    A little off topic (though maybe in the general idea), but I saw a journalist complain about a story that used “abortionist” since that was not in the AP stylebook, with conservatives responding about how “abortionist” is a logical and accurate term and how it could only be considered bad if liberals thought that abortion was bad (checkmate!)

    My thought was that a far better response would have been to say “AP Stylebook? You think I’m going to buy your dumb book so that you can order me around with your idiotic takes? Go back to being irrelevant.”


    • Andrew Phillips

      A better response may have been to say nothing at all. If the first rule of the internet is “Don’t Feed the Trolls,” then we have to be wise enough to realize that most, if not all, of what they do is trolling, so we can blow it off. It took me along time to learn not not even bother offering rebuttals to memes I see. For the longest time, I thought like a debater, which meant that leaving a point unanswered was to lose that point. But, because this isn’t about changing minds or finding truth, that isn’t actually true. Their memes and retweets and all of it are a performance, rather than a conversation. Their accusations and arguments from hypocrisy only sting if we let ourselves care what they think of us. Since they don’t actually see us, nothing they say about is means anything.

      • “A better response may have been to say nothing at all.”

        This is what is meant by “Don’t wear the devil horns.” There is nothing to be gained by engaging with fanatics who are only fueled by engagement.

        • CantusTropus

          This is something I genuinely struggle with, being an argumentative sort. At the base of it it’s hard for me to accept that some people just genuinely aren’t interested in finding the truth, even though I know it’s true. While it wasn’t with a Death Cultist exactly, I had to restrain myself from engaging excessively with one of the surviving Classically Liberal Atheists online, when he took objection to my claim that Europe’s uniquely Christian culture was at least largely responsible for its period of exceptional success over the past few centuries. He laughed at this idea and insisted that the real credit belonged to, and I quote:

          “robust institutions, the rule of the law, a history of constitutional-adjacent systems dating back to the Magna Carta spurred by the constant competition for power in European feudal systems (and even before then to the democracies of Rome and Athens), fair and mostly sanely regulated markets.”

          Of course, this is basically just a Liberal saying “it wasn’t your god, it was my god!”, because he’s completely ignoring most of history as well as where those institutions and respect for the rule of law came from. But it was what he said afterwards that made it easier for me to restrain myself, since he misread my next point so badly that he thought I was arguing in favour of the thing I was actually opposing, as well as bringing out the hoary old chestnut about how liberal atheist countries like Germany and Japan are Perfect Utopias while Christian countries like Poland and Uganda are apparently hellholes or something. It was at this point that it got through even my thick skull that I shouldn’t respond. Maybe I’m maturing a little bit – well, I hope so anyway!

    • Trying to come up with zingers to own the libs is a colossal waste of time. Engaging with Lefties just energizes them.

      If Conservatives were serious about wanting to make internet Dems’ heads explode, they’d just give them the cold shoulder.

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