goes around

What Goes Around

An emerging feature of Clown World is that life is starting to feel like a looping cartoon drawn by schizophrenic animators on shrooms. The reason is that society is run by an insane end times cult whose precepts dictate controlling all media organs to give them unchallenged control of public…
HAL Internet

The Internet of Shit

If you wanted to pinpoint the most bugmannish idea ever - a concept so technofetishistic, decadent, and pointless as to be a self-contained definition of bugmanism, you'd have to go a long way to beat "the Internet of Things." The notion of hooking everything up to the internet lacks even…
Bronze Age Witch

Bronze Age Witch

Wherein a certain nude bodybuilder fails the Witch Test Beware alleged dissident influencers who eschew Christianity. At best, they're intellectual, political, and spiritual dead ends. And most of them are controlled opposition from establishment academia. And once again, they just can't say His Name. To learn the secrets of the…
Terminator_John Connor

Gen Y Profiles: John Connor

James Cameron  may have gone full Pop Cult in a frenzy of giant smurf Gaia worship, but his past career leaves no doubt as to his visionary status. Starting in the 80s and throughout the 90s, he displayed an uncanny knack for getting out in front of Hollywood trends. And…
Musk Laugh

The Power to Walk Away

That's the ultimate bargaining power, as Elon Musk demonstrates. Elon Musk responded to the latest major development in his ongoing feud with Twitter early Monday morning – tweeting out a meme of him laughing after Twitter reportedly lawyered up to sue him for moving to drop his $44 billion takeover…
Georgia Guidestones Rubble

Guidestones Struck Down

Posts about spiritual warfare, politics, and high strangeness are among the most popular on this blog. Today we have a story that combines all three. First, for those who didn't yet know, the controversial Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed. Here's a video of the explosion. For a while after the…
The Last Fanatics

The Last Fanatics

Author J.D. Cowan returns with a new volume that gives readers the autopsy report on what - or who - killed the pulps. Once upon a time, there was a tradition of storytelling that went back into the Gothic romances all the way through the fairy tales into the classics. It…
Declaration of Independence

Happy Independence Day

Like all holidays, the international Liberal elite had degraded Independence Day into an orgy of shallow consumerism. These past years, July 4 has been a day for Boomers to grill and chug beer while remaining oblivious to the fact that America was a little worse than the year before. This…
3 More Cults

Three More Cults

The West's large-scale apostasy from Christianity has produced widespread cultural changes - and not the ones we were promised. It turns out that humans are built for belief. Take away our faith in God, and we'll transfer it to something else. Even normies are starting to notice the bizarre spectacle…