Shoot the Devil

Shoot the Devil

The Superversive crew announce their latest anthology collaboration, whose central message I heartily endorse.

My lovely and talented editor L. Jagi Lamplighter writes:

Shoot the Devil-In the Face!
Stories by myself, John C. Wright, and eight other excellent authors.

Admit it. Haven’t you wanted to punch him, kick him, or even shoot him? In this action- packed volume, ten daring men and women get the chance to do just that!

Includes a Prospero Children’s story: Cornelius Prospero and a demon-possessed Illuminati have a wee disagreement over Who Rules the World.

Ten of superversive’s finest team up to bring you tales from a serial killer’s basement, to the weird west, to the average small town, all featuring “mostly” ordinary men and women fighting back against the forces of darkness.

Buy it now!


  1. D.J. Schreffler

    I am reminded, in a good way, of Elwin Ransom in Perelandra.

  2. I assume this doesn’t accept commissions? The second I read this I thought of a great story involving a elite group of tactical rosary grandmas.

    • Anti-Rationalist

      Book is out now. Maybe for their next one.

  3. Jim H

    I’ve started this, and enjoying it so far, BUT…

    Can’t these things be proof-read??

    No-one, in the history of ever, ever held their ‘breathe’! ‘Breathe’ is a verb, ‘breath’ the noun that is held.
    The moon never ‘shown’ on anything! ‘Shown’ is past-tense of ‘Show’, the past tense of ‘shine’ is ‘shone’. I know some north Americans pronounce shown and shone the same, but every time I read a clanger like these, it’s like standing on a piece of lego in the dark!

    Come on, guys, we’re never going to surpass oldpub if we can’t spell. This is my one big, fat, hairy bugbear about Indie publishing.

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