Combat Frame Data: XCD-001-5




Technical Data

Model number: XCD-001-5

Code name: XSeed

Classification: energy weapon optimized Sentinel use combat frame

Manufacturer: ISBC

Operator: CDF, UCMC

First deployment: CY 56

Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest

Height: 19 meters

Weight: dry weight 65 metric tons, full weight 75 metric tons

Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor

Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 2866 KW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4x 41,790 kg, 4x 20,910 kg, 2x 12,500kg, 2x 20,000 kg; top speed 3660 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 25, 180° turn time 0.80 seconds; legs: top ground speed 200 kph

Sensors: radar, thermal, optical, gravitic array; main binocular cameras mounted in head

Fixed armaments: plasma cannon, left shoulder-mounted, fed by generator or graphene capacitor, output rated at 3 MW

Optional hand armaments: Grand Dolph machine rifle, loads 70mm graphene-coated tungsten rounds, 100 shots per magazine; chain sword, hand-carried in use; ion shield, mounts to either forearm

Pilot: Marcus Julian August


General Notes

The near-twin of the XCD-001-4 XSeed test type commandeered by Dex Trapper and Thatch Drummond, the XCD-001-5 wasn’t stolen by, but delivered to, UCMC Sergeant Marcus August aboard the Sovereign Protector. Despite his misgivings over the antique XSeed’s unknown origin, August adopted the unit as his personal combat frame and had it upgraded for the state of CY 98 warfare.

August discarded the XSeed’s original plasma rifle and swords in favor of a trusty Grand Dolph autorifle and a customized chain sword. Resembling a short version of the chain Zweihänder wielded by the CCF-017K Kurfürst, the weapon’s superheated diamond teeth proved effective at sawing through Ynzu armor. To deal with Zues’ ion fields, and as a release valve for the XSeed’s graphene capacitor, August mounted a 3 MW plasma cannon on his CF’s left shoulder. August added a set of outboard drive pylons equipped with drive and maneuvering rockets to compensate for his new loadout’s additional weight.

The XCD-001-5’s decades-old carbyne laminar armor provided insufficient defense against Ynzu energy weapons. To compensate, August had the SP’s techs rig up a series of ion generators within a stretched hexagon frame. The resulting ion shield allowed August to block a shot or two before the shield’s emitters burned out. That extra modicum of protection gave the XCD-001-5 the extra operation time needed to complete the mission on more than one occasion.


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Combat Frame XSeed: S - Brian Niemeier


  1. D.J. Schreffler

    And the design influence of the CCF-017K lives on!

    It’s bittersweet seeing the last series of the mecha, but much better that than a series succumbing to sequelitis.

    For the rest, I hold that the Systems Overterrestrial Coalition must be destroyed.

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