Except in the Holy Spirit …

Holy Spirit

… no one can say Jesus is Lord.

Some recent examples from Twitter:

In case you’re just joining us, the above exchange is a textbook example of the still infallible Witch Test.

Here’s another demonstration:



At this point, so many anti-Christs who cloak their Death Cult proselytizing in feigned Christian morality have failed to profess faith in the source of that morality, I must concur with a mutual who’s concluded they are physically unable to do so.

Which shouldn’t be a surprise, considering that St. Paul said as much.

1 Cor 12


The next time an obvious unbeliever attempts moral grandstanding with bad-faith appeals to Christianity, don’t argue with her. Put the suspected witch to the test. Doing so will turn her efforts to undermine the one true faith into yet another proof of it.


To learn the Witch Test – and other effective means of cultural warfare – read my #1 best seller:



  1. Heyjames4

    I just tried to curse his name. And felt a tightness in my chest and couldn’t even mouth the words.
    That makes me so happy.

    • Heyjames4

      I confess that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Lord. And God the father raised him from the dead.

  2. CantusTropus

    Commenter #2 smacked a little more of fedora-tipper than usual (Classic Witches often go silent at this point), but ye, the Witch Test continues to prove true.

    • He may even have been a bot, according to D Cal. Which makes the result even more interesting.

      • Andrew Phillips

        That makes an odd sort of sense. A bot, as something neither spiritual nor conscious, doesn’t seem like a good candidate for indwelling by the Holy Spirit.

        • On the other other hand, there are certain online atheists who insist they’re just moist robots, and whose behavior has me willing to entertain the notion that they are.

  3. Vermissa

    Note: I did a control-group study with known strong Christians online, both Catholic and Protestant. One did say she felt accused, but they all passed.

  4. Zeedub85

    I love these threads. I always picture Witchfinder Brian kicking in the door of the room from which the witch is posting, accompanied by a pair of Swiss guardsmen with halberds.

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