Diary of a Bomoh

Diary of a Bomoh

Announcing the latest occult thriller from author Kit Sun Cheah

In a quiet neighbourhood in Singapore, a body is found inside a locked apartment.

Tasked with identifying the deceased, Inspector Ibrahim has his work cut out for him. With no identity documents at the scene, and no neighbours who remember the resident, his only clue is a set of diaries written in English, Malay and Arabic.

Partnering with Station Inspector Jafri, Ibrahim translates the diaries. They discover the story of a bomoh, a traditional Malay shaman. It is a story of sorcery and occultism, vice and sin, madness and damnation.

But the diaries won’t give up their secrets so easily. A terrible evil lurks within their pages.

And now, it is awake.

Read it now

Diary of a Bomoh


  1. Matthew L. Martin

    This is a truly horrific and compelling story of a soul’s slow descent into damnation.

  2. D.J. Schreffler

    There, but for the grace of God…

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