Promise Kept

Nick Fuentes Is Back

The whole Elon Musk – Twitter saga elicited a lot of comment.

From the beginning you had people saying it was all a grift or a publicity stunt.

I said last year that Musk’s purchase of Twitter would be completed in the fall, and it would take until early in the new year to see real improvements.

My first prediction came true. But some folks have expressed disappointment with Musk’s management of the company.

When Uncle Elon promised to make Twitter a free speech platform again, his pledge included granting blanket amnesty to accounts banned under the old regime.

In recent weeks we’ve seen some big names – some yeeted years ago – coming back to the platform.

Yet one conspicuous omission remained.

Today, Musk secures his honor with a promise kept.

Nick Twitter

OK look, maybe you don’t like Nick Fuentes. That’s fine. It’s also not the point.

Say what you want about the guy, he’s the most banned man in dissident politics. Unlike some other critics of Con Inc, he’s banned from YouTube. Fox News forbids his name from being spoken on-air. The kid can’t even get a checking account.

But he’s been allowed back on Twitter.

That was the test. That was the final sign of good faith.

This is what Fr. Chad Ripperger meant when he talked about demons complaining to exorcists that they’d suffered a major reduction in power.

Sure, they still control TV. And they still have Alphabet and Meta.

But social media is by far the number-one information source for Millennials and Zoomers.

Top News Source

Even the Left credited Twitter with Donald Trump’s win in 2016. And the shift to online news has only accelerated since then.

A house divided cannot stand. An oligarchy can’t operate when there are holdouts.

The Death Cult’s information monopoly has been broken.

All it took was one maverick platform. The Cult knew this, and that’s why they freaked out about Musk buying Twitter.

But despite all their money, power, and political influence, he won.

We won.

It’s tempting to add a word of caution here reminding you we’re not out of the woods yet. And that’s true; we’re not.

But kids who’d otherwise only have their pink-haired 90-IQ teachers and their TV addict Boomer parents to go on will now get opposing viewpoints on Twitter.

That is a huge win nobody thought possible after 2020.

God is still on our side. We only have to repent and follow Him.

Learn how to stop cooperating with grave evil here:


  1. CantusTropus

    Still had difficulty wading through the sea of slander accounts that exist exclusively to propagate slanderous effeminate gossip about Nick to find him (had to use someone else’s link). Also revealed to me that there are genuinely people who are delusional enough to think that Twitter is about suppressing LEFT wing speech. Well, that’s not really a surprise, I expect – the Death Cult regards the mere tolerance of its enemies as “harassment”, after all, but it was still an eye roller.

    • Yes, I also had to sift through seethers declaring Nick’s career over, even as he gained 25K followers in 1 day. But he’ll be back in the algo soon.

      Sorry today’s post went live too late to give you his direct account link. For others’ convenience, it’s linked above.

    • Xavier Basora


      Well, I’m still banned. I did send an appeal after Elon bought it was turned down a second time. The first was still under the old regime. Appealed again.
      I was harassed by Twitter as soon as I signed up because Larry responded to a post I made at another thread recounting an experience I had as an ESL teacher.

      So I guess I’ll probably get my account back….next year?



  2. Alex

    It can’t be understated how important Nick is in shifting the Overton window to the right. Prior to the Groyper War, the conservative movement consisted of opposing socialism, shilling for Israel, green cards stapled to diplomas, and accepting homosexuality as normative. There was little to no discourse on exposing grooming within the LGBT movement, anti-white policies within public institutions and the Democrat party, replacement migration, and attacks on Christianity.

    It wasn’t long ago that Charlie Kirk was publicly declaring that he didn’t care what two people did in the privacy of their own home, or Matt Walsh said that Ahmaud Arbery was just interested in a construction project before he was killed for no reason by white supremacists. Both Kirk and Walsh have been permitted to move further right with their talking points to maintain any sort of credibility with their audience.

    Nick can be chaotic at times, and it’s hard to imagine that he’ll ever be accepted by the mainstream, but he doesn’t have to be. Because of Nick, the discourse has changed from:

    “I think Dan Crenshaw is really conservative but at least he isn’t a far-right extremist like Desantis.”


    “Ron Desantis seems really conservative but at least he isn’t a far-right extremist like Nick Fuentes.

    • Your comment on Nick’s lack of mainstream acceptance turned out to be prophetic. A bunch of Lefty hall monitor accounts mass-flagged him last night, and he’s been suspended again.

      Others have said that a large number of flags triggers an automatic suspension. And some of them have come back afterward. He’s appealing the ban, so we’ll see what happens.

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