Utah, Louisiana Give Pornhub the Boot


With Satanists congregating in major cities and schools pushing to mutilate kids, it’s refreshing to see Conservative lawmakers catching up to private organizations on the smut front.

The adult content website Pornhub blocked access in Utah on Monday due to new state laws requiring websites with adult content to verify users’ ages before allowing them to access the platforms.

Driving the news: Pornhub.com now opens on devices in Utah with a message that states the company has “made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Utah.”

  • The move comes in response to Utah’s age verification law, passed in March, the company wrote. That law takes effect Wednesday.

This whole controversy just feels like more political kayfabe.

Louisiana already has an age verification law that Pornhub complies with.

And filth peddlers taking their ball and going home rather than taking an extra step to keep kids off their site is just bad optics.

So bad, I can’t help but suspect they’re playing the heel on purpose.

Pornhub’s terms of service require users to be 18 years or older to use the site.

  • “We believe that the best and most effective solution for protecting children and adults alike is to identify users by their device and allow access to age-restricted materials and websites based on that identification,” the auto message to Utah users states.

That’s a lot of smoke they’re blowing.

Death Cultists always play these word games that get you caught up in sophistic minutiae.

But there’s no need to debate the efficacy of legal age verification vs device identification.

Because no one – neither minors nor adults – should have access to this trash.

Pornography is grave intrinsic evil. There can be no right to do evil.

That’s all.

The bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Todd Weiler (R-Woods Cross) noted that Pornhub began verifying ages in Louisiana, which passed a similar law that took effect this year.

“I expect they will eventually comply with Utah’s as well,” Weiler said.

This is what’s so retarded about Republicans.

Weiler sponsored a bill he expects the pornographers to comply with.

Instead of just banning the pornographers.

It’s the latest in this series of, “We’ll let you commit crimes against nature that cry out to Heaven for vengeance – but only if you’re over 18!” legislative stunts the GOP has been pulling.

I guess it’s better than nothing.

You’ll note that Democrats never have to settle for “better than nothing.”

Pornhub and other MindGeek companies will probably not be the last to block Utah, Stabile [a spokesperson for the Free Speech Coalition] said.

“I think that has a huge chilling effect on anybody who’s operating in the sexual wellness space, as well as obviously, sexual speech of all kinds including adult content,” he said.

How many levels of Death Cult Ritual Cant is this guy on?

If we’re honest with ourselves, the worst fetish has been Americans’ fetishizing of undefined, undirected freedom not grounded in the good.

It’s led to an outright porndemic.


Lawmakers who had a real interest in their constituents’ mental, moral, and spiritual wellbeing would call the sleaze merchants’ bluff and use the first instance of noncompliance as grounds to ban them from the state.

But Weiler is right. When all this fuss dies down, Pornhub will slink back to Utah and quietly resume pumping raw sewage into men’s souls.

If you’re among the tens of millions battling porn addiction, know that you’re not on your own.

Turn to Our Lord and Our Lady in your weakness, and they will give you strength to crush this loathsome vice.

Jesus and Mary

It’s also a great idea to unplug from the Pop Cult that funnels people into shameful sins like porn use and soft idolatry.

Yes, you can regain your dignity.

Learn how here:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Alex

    To give a bit of a whitepill, I was horribly addicted to porn and spent upwards of thousands of dollars on C4S over the years.

    I’m happy to say that I’ve been porn free for 3 and 1/2 years and counting.

    Give glory to God because it took me coming back to the faith to help me with this addiction.

    • Praise be to God for deliverance!

      May He crown you for your merit.

      Because you’ve accomplished a feat harder than quitting cigarettes, coke, or smack. Take a bow!

  2. “If we’re honest with ourselves, the worst fetish has been Americans’ fetishizing of undefined, undirected freedom not grounded in the good.“

    Well, when you put the so-called Enlightenment that way…

    • The metaphor is even more apt when you see Libertarians’ reaction when it’s pointed out that any given freedom’s value depends on the goods it grants access to.

  3. Zaklog the Great

    “Men who watch pornography are lonelier & more insecure.”

    I believe that, but is it cause or effect? I’ve heard a theory put forward that addictions in general are attempting to cope with some kind of deprivation. That’s not excuse-making, but understanding what contributes to this sin can help us stop it.

    • In general, people suffering from any type of sex addiction have endured some kind of neglect. It sounds like a cliché, but they really want to be loved.

      • CantusTropus

        Can confirm. Been battling with an abnormal uh, “thing” I picked up during some bad years, but ultimately the root of it all lies in feelings of inferiority and worthlessness. The Lord has helped me mightily, though, and despite an unfortunate relapse last week (already shriven for), I have otherwise been clean for six months. God willing that I will remain free from this, but even when I fall I will put my confidence in His great mercy and love for me.

    • Jab Burrwalky

      From the education I’ve received on the topic, it’s both-and, it’s like most drugs in that it’s a self-reinforcing spiral. Whether it begins as self-medicating or not is a bit dependent on individual cases, but it all ends up that way once the repeated exposure has fried your neurons so you can’t get a strong natural high from healthy activity anymore.

  4. Andrew Phillips

    I think it’s probably both. I have been blessed enough to dodge this particular bullet, because I knew porn is poison. I expect that if I had fallen into it (as a poor substitute for marital intimacy perhaps), it would have made real intimacy harder to achieve. I would have replaced the actual beauty of my actual wife with unrealistic expectations feminine beauty, until I wanted the image on the screen more than and finally instead of her. I would have missed the actual dance of our marriage with unrealistic expectations for sexual fulfillment. Worse, I might have learned to reduce sexual intimacy to certain physical responses and to treat the same as an entitlement rather than a mutual gift, and as primary rather than subsequent to other kinds of intimacy – mental, emotional, and spiritual. Scripture tells us that man and wife belong bodily to one another and enjoins mutual submission. That’s the exact opposite of the message the fleshmongers have for us. Speaking as a married man, they don’t know the first thing about making love.

  5. CantusTropus

    While the numbers are of course higher amongst those who use porn, I notice with dismay that even among those men who never use porn the rates of self-loathing are still closely approaching 50%. That’s not the sign of a healthy society.

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