Passing Peak Death Cult?


A series of reports from polling outfit Gallup indicate that the Death Cult’s hold on the moral high ground is slipping.


Most folks are polemicizing about the steep and sudden drop in support for sodomy.

The Death Cultists in particular are throwing fits about it.

And there’s no doubt it’s a significant change. Butt Month ’23 was supposed to be the biggest ever. Instead it was a dud.

Yet perspective is important. Take a look at the 2017 results for comparison:

Sodomy had a little less support compared to now. Ditto fornication and pornography.

And keep in mind, the same pollsters cited 2017 as a year of record-high Death Cult alignment.

So the even more interesting areas where the Cult’s grip is slipping are the death penalty and birth control. Support for the former went up 2 points from 2017, and in a major upset, support for thwarting the conjugal act’s fruitfulness fell 3 points.

That change indicates a potential shift disproportionate to the numbers, since it was artificial contraception that St. Paul VI prophesied would unleash the other family-destroying perversions.

If social Conservatives really wanted to press the initiative, they’d put overturning Obergefell on the back burner and outlaw artificial birth control. A lot of the rest would take care of itself after that.

Of course, they’re unlikely to since Conservatives – even Catholics – contracept at rates comparable to the genpop.

Then again, Roe was struck down at a time when infanticide had majority support. And the decision didn’t cause the massive backlash that everyone from Death Cult witches to Con Inc. shills promised. Abortion became neither more nor less popular.

For my two cents, the most interesting aspect of this poll is what it implies about the “Politics is downstream from culture/Culture is downstream from politics” debate.

Infanticide’s cancellation is an anomaly that culture-primary folks need to account for. Because if the culture drives policy, Roe shouldn’t have been overturned when it had 52% support.

On the other hand, SCOTUS is known for acting independent of the elected branches. Though that rep is kind of a meme.

A bigger challenge to the politics-primary view is that Roe’s repeal didn’t cause a big loss of public support for abortion. Maybe it’s a delayed effect. If so, it will be interesting to see where abortion polling goes over the next few years.

An even more telling bellwether is how homosexuality is fast going the way of Disco.

Gallup mentioned various republican governors’ crackdown on trannyism. But the crossdressing stuff has never been popular. Even now, most Americans still acknowledge biological and ontological reality.

The butt stuff is another story. Not only has it dominated all media for years – with even Conservative talking heads bowing before the rainbow – the managerial class has even plunged foreign countries into war over it.

At this time, neither cultural nor political changes can fully explain sodomy’s falling stock.

We may have to consider that the culture v politics divide is as simplistic and normie tier as horseshoe theory.

After all, a nation is a complex system with myriad levels and inputs. And it’s dynamic, always in a state of flux.

Media and policy do exert effects on the system, but in different ways and amounts at different times. They might be like walls that public morality bounces back and forth between like a self-reflexive feedback loop.

What is clear is that people are getting more conservative in terms of morals.

It’s an amusing irony that Millennials and Zoomers are getting more conservative while Boomers are relapsing into liberalism.

Of special interest to this blog, the biggest shift away from the Death Cult has occurred among Gen Y.

While it’s not an omen of a future RETVRN TO TRADITION, it is a hopeful sign that Ys are abandoning edgy nihilism. They must do so to fulfill their curator role, passing on to Zoomers the cultural patrimony that the Death Cult strives to destroy.

Whatever the secondary agents at work, God remains the Prime Mover and judge of nations.

Fr. Chad Ripperger has said more than once that God will give a people over to their vices in chastisement, but He’ll only let the situation degrade so far.

What these moral shifts may tell us is that human nature isn’t omni-malleable after all. Maybe the Death Cult has reached the hard limit of its social engineering.

We can always pray.

And not pay people who hate us.

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  1. BayouBomber

    I think we are seeing a growing number of people getting tired of the politics and looking inward to figure out what they really believe. Those true beliefs have been tainted or buried under a mountain of political crap. They realize they’ve been duped for years by political heads into supporting things they would normally never support – I think of the classic “I keep my personal and political beliefs separate.”. Well now people are trying to eliminate that disassociation and it’s forcing a positive trend that in reality, the majority of Americans want to live in a normal society with normal people and not tolerate things which go against that.

    • Alinsky warned that a tactic which drags on too long becomes a drag. The Death Cult’s bromides now have the air of the pet rock or the mood ring about them.

  2. Jab Burrwalky

    I think a lot of the homosexuality acceptance is downstream of both contraception and pornography. Porn is used to glamorize lesbianism and popularize heterosexual “anal sex” (an absurdity) which together create massive cognitive dissonance in anyone cooming to those things and then opposing gays. Combined with contraception, everything becomes personal preference,
    “thats just your kink” and sex loses all real meaning.

    As you implicitly point out, abortion is required to maintain that illusion whenever reality decides to break through and a baby is conceived.

    I will never forget the astonished look on the faces of 6 college freshmen when I informed them that I don’tfornicate because “sex creates a whole new life, with all its own stories and struggles and purpose.” Jaws dropped and they all got quiet.

    • The Church warned us what would happen if that first domino fell. Contraception divides the procreative act from procreation. But it’s not perfect, so the sex heretics need abortion to escape the natural but undesired outcome of their actions. That renders the family’s place as the proper child-raising environment incoherent, so in comes divorce. With marriage reduced to a voluntary mutual masturbation contract, there’s nothing to prevent butt weddings.

      Tl; dr: Anyone who calls the Slippery Slope a fallacy has been living under a rock since the 70s.

      • Jab Burrwalky

        I agree, though I think pornography would remain a problem even without legally available contraception, for the same prostitution has always been around despite ineffective contraceptives. So we would still have to contend with the pervsions of sexual understanding that flow from that.

        • I’m old enough to remember when porn was only available in brown paper-wrapped magazines bought from windowless shops in the seedy part of town. Whatever laws are needed to get back to that point will make a good start. Then we figure out what’s needed from there.

  3. Gen Ys became a lot less nihilistic since Corona put the scare of God into them and then they had to live in the fallout. I’m not sure how many are willing to make the full jump into religion anytime soon, but with the suicide rate as high as it is and the surprising number seeing therapists and psychiatrists, it shows many of them are thinking about this stuff more than they did even a few years ago.

    I maintain that if Gen Y lives to senior status they will probably be the most cantankerous traditionalists that have ever existed. They retain too much knowledge of the way things were to just sit by forever and let it die. We just have to get there first, hopefully changing as many minds as possible along the way.

    • A besetting fault of the Right is the expectation of some final decisive battle that overthrows the current ruling class and ushers in the individual dissident’s preferred Return to the Constitution™/fashy ethnostate/trad Christian monarchy. But the past decade has shown us that’s not in the cards.

      The kind of victory we can achieve is a gradual and won at the margins. The MTV Generation ditching Y-ilism to keep pre-Clown World memories alive. Normies drifting away from the Pop Cult so they’re a little less propagandized year-on-year. Zoomers graduating seminary to replace Boomer hierarchs one retirement party at a time.

      We’re no longer on the four, eight, or even twenty-year plan. Table dreams of glory fighting for the cause, and pray for the humility to live steadfast for it.

  4. Eugine Nier

    I’d say society is currently in a slow downward spiral consisting of several step:

    1) A new generation is unconvinced by arguments for God.

    2) That generation abandons religion and morality.

    2a) The churches that survive abandon pieces of doctrine and theology in an attempt to seem hip.

    3) The consequences of (2) become impossible to ignore.

    4) In reaction people try to rush back to religion, such as it is since the churches are still suffering from (2a). Note that most of these people have only a shallow understanding of their religion, and can’t make convincing arguments for it to people who haven’t experienced (3).

    5) A new generation grows up in churches that were still damaged by (2a) and has never experienced (3), thus it is unconvinced by arguments for God’s existence or the need fro religion.

    Notice that during each cycle the institutional churches and knowledge of theology get more and more badly damaged.

    • That cycle has occurred in countless other times and places. What a lot of people miss is that it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Only 1 person showed up for Easter Sunday mass the first year Notre Dame re-opened after the revolution. France had to be re-evangelized. Current trends indicate Africa and China re-evangelizing us.

  5. Polls, especially ones merely tabulating self-reported positions, are fraught with issues, even assuming the polling firm is doing its honest best -an assumption I’m not willing to make with Gallup.

    For starters, all the words are moving targets. When the position held by liberals even 20 years ago would make you “literally Hitler” today, the polls may be measuring drift in meaning more than changes in position.

    I’d say what’s more likely is that first, Our Self-Appointed Betters may be detecting a real shift in attitudes. Then, they release a poll like this in order to rile the Death Cultists into action.

    If it’s in the Media, it’s only as true as is useful to the people who hate. We are the carbon they want to reduce, after all. What would be the point in telling us the truth?

    • That’s an important angle to consider. We know that the establishment’s only use for election polling is to influence, not forecast the outcomes of, elections. So why wouldn’t the same apply to opinion polls?

  6. Sian

    “Then again, Roe was struck down at a time when infanticide had majority support. And the decision didn’t cause the massive backlash that everyone from Death Cult witches to Con Inc. shills promised. Abortion became neither more nor less popular.”

    IDK it did seem to lose the Republicans their shot at Senate control.

    • The senate now includes a babbling brain damage patient and an invalid who belongs in a nursing home. Imagine thinking elections are real.

  7. Rudolph Harrier

    I’d be curious to see what the public reaction to “trans” issues are. Informally there seems to be low support from pretty much everywhere outside of death cult activists. I suspect that this is because not only are the claims of the trans community obvious lunacy, but they will force you to adopt their framework. What I mean is if a guy likes to have sex with other guys, he will often be satisfied doing that and not see a need to tell you about it every day. What he is doing is revolting, but it’s those repugnant acts themselves which give him pleasure, not changing your mind. Some gays are activists, of course, but there are also many degenerates who just care about the sex.

    When it comes to trans stuff the whole point is to get you to say that a man is a woman. If a “transwoman” didn’t need social validation, then he could live his life in essentially the same way anyone else does and the worst most people would think is “that guy is pretty effeminate.” But it only pleases him if YOU say that he is a woman, so there isn’t a possibility of a “I’ll let you do whatever perverted things you want, as long as you do them behind closed doors” situation. It’s like trying to apply that reasoning to exhibitionists.

    With gays you can pretend that the situation is as wonderful and perfect as the media suggests, since you usually don’t have to deal directly with them. With trannies that isn’t an option.

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