Heathens Know Best

God's Word

Or so they still keep insisting to Christians when it comes to the Bible.

Heathen Knows Best

The character of the smug atheist who can quote Scripture chapter and verse better than Christian rubes from central casting is a shopworn oldpub cliché. Neither the fact that it’s a dead meme nor that it’s an obvious lie stops the Death Cult from reciting it like a litany.

Their Twitter handles give their game away. The reason you see bumper sticker slogans like “free-thinking” and “rational” in their self-descriptions is that far from denoting lack of worship, they tell you what they worship instead of God.

These accounts aren’t nonbelievers rationally making their case for nonbelief. They’re proselytes beholden to a heretical offshoot of Christianity. They know that whoever holds the moral high ground wins, and they know damn well that Christian morality is the moral standard of the West.

That is the reason why the Death Cult can’t propose a moral vision truly distinct from Christianity. Instead, they must always try to present themselves as the legitimate arbiters of the Christian moral code.

And it is why the Witch Test is not just effective, but 100% effective at identifying these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Note that you don’t see Death Cultists claiming to know the Koran better than Muslims. Or the Rig Veda better than Hindus. It would make no more sense for  the Current Year twisted offshoot off Christianity than it would have for the Arian heretics.

It’s a foreign concept to most people reading this post, but Christians were once willing and able to enforce social – and even legal – penalties for violating the moral traditions of the Church.

What happened?

A previous intellectual parasite on Christendom that spent 300 years convincing Christians to lower our moral defenses.

It’s no coincidence that fifth columnist ideology – Liberalism – is a direct precursor to today’s reigning Death Cult.

Now that the social and economic costs are being levied against Christians, lukewarm and nominal hangers-on are boiling off. Those who remain are like survivors of a plague: immune to the same attack.

And the enemy has only one tactic.

The increasingly shrill babbling from the Death Cult betrays their awareness of this dynamic. To their credit, they do have a base, animal sense of which way the wind is blowing which keeps them more in tune with the currents of social change than most Christians.

Hence the broken record insistence that heathens know best.

What the brain worshipers always forget is that sin dims the intellect.

The tweet at the top of the page, and the countless others like it, don’t arise from triumphal gloating over a cornered foe.

They are the nervous mutterings of inmates locked in here with us inside the civilization we built.

A defining mark of civilization is art. The Church patronized the finest artworks the world has ever seen. I don’t claim to be in that league, but every quest – including the struggle to take back Western culture – starts with first steps.

You can help save fantasy from the gray goo grip of the Death Cult. Read my award-winning Soul Cycle, which you can get now through the Indiegogo for its hotly anticipated prequel The Burned Book. Picture Michael Moorcock writing Berserk, minus the edgy atheism, plus serious treatment of religion, and you’ve got the premise.

Back the campaign to get the Soul Cycle eBooks today and the new book before launch! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because we’ve got a vast selection of sweet perks like the official T-shirt and signed books and posters!

Collectors Perk 1

So get your deep lore, genre-blended swag. Back The Burned Book now


  1. bayoubomber

    “Critical Thinker” translates to thinking you’re non-conformist, even though a non-conformist is a contradiction of himself.

    • As much as I hate to say it, Monty Python had that crowd’s number.

  2. Most of our problems would be fixed if we could drop the Hanlon Razor cope and stop excusing willful malice.

    But that is an enticing prospect, to think your opponents are just stupider than you and that they are just too dumb to know the right things. You see it with the student loan claptrap–too many Christians just want to prop themselves up as the betters of these stupid kids who should be punished for following the advice of their elders. Pull up those bootstraps and embrace atomization, libtard!

    It says something about how we live in such a dumb age where everyone thinks they’re the smartest person in the room. Perhaps if they hadn’t let their pride guide their way things wouldn’t be so bad as they are now.

    That aside, anyone clinging to nu atheism in the ’20s is NGMI.

    • All the problems of the Modern age arise from Liberals allowing peasants to read.

      • Xavier Basora


        Reading bad texts. Sometimes It think Cervantes was right to advocate burning bad books and keeping the good ones.

    • Rudolph Harrier

      Our society destroyed the good, the beautiful, the true and it now even belittles physical fitness.

      Intelligence is one of the last genuinely good things that you are allowed to praise. Even in our debased society no one is really going to get far saying “I’m the biggest consoomer porn addict there is, praise me!” But you can still be praised for being smart. And since that’s about the ONLY way you can get praised, everyone hast to pretend to be smart.

  3. These people are fart-sniffers plain and simple. They should be treated as such because they’re weirdos. Point and laugh.

    One time I called a really obnoxious “I know the Bible better than Christians” commenter on Jon Del Arroz’s blog out about supposed Biblical support for abortion and he pointed me to . . . a radical leftist Jewish site.

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