Witch in Bali

Witches in Bali

Just 3 days left to back my dark fantasy novel The Burned Book. We’ve just added exciting mech-related perks not even Combat Frame XSeed backers could get. Bonus: you can now add the Classified Intel collection and Illustrated Tech Guides 1 & 2 on to any other perk. Pledge now.…
Scorpion Frog Morality

Parasitic Morality

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you're probably aware of what I call the Witch Test. Social media these days is rife with concern trolls who shill for Death Cult shibboleths while using Christian doctrines as handy clubs to browbeat Christians. Sometimes they claim to be Christian…
simpathetic devil

Simpathy for the Devil?

The sympathetic devil trope has become such a mainstay of popular fiction as to be a Pop Cult zombie meme. Audiences - even pro writers  - now take for granted that a demon could choose to do good or even repent and gain salvation. Few people see anything weird about…

Soul Blazer

From time to time, I like to give the public at large a glimpse of the fun material my cherished Neopatrons get to enjoy weekly. In that vein, here is a game review previously posted to my Patreon and SubscribeStar. Soul Blazer is a classic Super Nintendo game that has…
Best Evenings

Blockbuster Bellwether

  Glance around online, and you see more and more people discussing the besetting vices of Generation Y. Oh, a lot of them are swallowing the revisionist psyop that's dialed back the start of the Millennial generation to 1979 or earlier, so they use the term "Millennial." But when you're…
Thanksgiving Eucharist

The Real First Thanksgiving

Most historians will tell you that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. But the real first Thanksgiving, or Eucharistia, was instituted over 1580 years earlier by Jesus Christ. This Thanksgiving, remember to thank God for all the blessings you've received. Even if it's been a tough year, you should…

Two Big Reveals

Thanks to our awesome backers, the Burned Book campaign is blazing bright on Indiegogo. In anticipation of reaching Stretch Goal 5, which as of this writing is just $21 away, I thought we'd start the party early with two big reveals from the project. First up, friend of the blog…
Better Art

To Save the West, Make Better Art

By now anyone who's not trapped in an epistemic closure bubble is aware of two facts: The West is caught in a death spiral toward a new Dark Age Voting harder won't pull us out of it. Yet despite the severity of the crisis, nothing is being done about it…

Work-a-Weapon 3

Special Announcement: Yep, the Burned Book campaign is doing a Black Friday sale, too. I think we've come up with some pretty exciting offers. Read to the end for details. I told you that Work-a-Weapon 3 would rock your world. But you didn't believe me. WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME!…
WaW 2

Work-a-Weapon 2

If you've been following our whirlwind Neopatronage campaign, you know that the Work-a-Weapon perk gives you the chance to commission your own living item for The Burned Book! The first worked weapon turned heads. Now feast your eyes on WaW 2:   Soul Razor, the Magian Saber From the backer: This legendary saber manifests…