Death Cult Seminaries

Death Cult Seminaries

That’s what Death Cult priest  R. Tolteka Cuauhtin is openly campaigning to turn California’s public schools into.


Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the “decolonization” of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service of a left-wing political ideology.

The new program, called the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, seeks to extend the Left’s cultural dominance of California’s public university system, 50 years in the making, to the state’s entire primary and secondary education system, which consists of 10,000 public schools serving a total of 6 million students.


Failure to home school is child abuse.


R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the material regarding early American history. In his book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, which is cited throughout the curriculum, Cuauhtin argues that the United States was founded on a “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.” The document claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” Whites established a “hegemony” that continues to the present day, in which minorities are subjected to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.’”

The religious narrative is even more disturbing. Cuauhtin developed a related “mandala” claiming that white Christians committed “theocide” against indigenous tribes, killing their gods and replacing them with Christianity. White settlers thus established a regime of “coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indigeneity and humanity.” The solution, according to Cuauhtin and the ethnic studies curriculum, is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” in a posture of “transformational resistance.” The ultimate goal is to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “countergenocide” and “counterhegemony,” which will displace white Christian culture and lead to the “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”


To translate that wall of Death Cult ritual cant into English: “Aztec demon-gods are our friends. Christ and His Church are our enemies.”

Don’t believe me? Check out the diabolical litany these demon-ridden scum came up with:




Attention, parents who still send their kids to the state-run indoctrination centers anachronistically called “schools”: You’ve had years of warnings. If finding out that the fanatics you entrust your kids to for seven hours a day plan to brainwash them into hating themselves, hating you, and worshiping demons isn’t enough to wake you up, you deserve what is rapidly coming your way.

“But that story’s from California!” I hear you rationalizing. “Everybody knows they’re crazy out there!”
As California goes, so goes the country. State-mandated devil worship is coming soon to a school near you. Our satanic rulers won’t stop until public schools in all fifty states are Death Cult seminaries. It was inevitable once they’d banned prayer to the One, True God.
Your family has two choices: home school, or die.
Yes, you might have to go down to one income.
You might have to share one car.
You’ll probably have to cancel all those streaming services.
You may not be able to eat out every day.
So what? How is the choice of keeping all of those dubious luxuries or ensuring your child’s intellectual and spiritual health any choice at all?
It’s not as if creators who don’t hate you aren’t working night and day to provide you with quality alternatives to debased mainstream entertainment.
Combat Frame XSeed: S - Brian Niemeier


  1. M. L. Martin

    When I saw this last night, I thought it was at the collegiate level, which was bad enough. Finding out it's at the primary and secondary levels is even worse.

    And the use of Aztec religion is particularly frightening; as Catholic historian Warren Carroll noted, "nowhere else in human history has Satan so formalized and institutionalized his worship with so many of his own actual titles and symbols." (Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness, 9)

    The Antichurch keeps on surprising me–I usually think they're 5-10 years farther out than they actually wind up being. Blame it on Gen Y naivete.

    • Brian Niemeier

      At least you recognize the Cult as a hostile, competing religion. What's baffling is how many Catholics still try to accommodate it.

    • M. L. Martin

      A lot of American Catholicism is still riding the JFK high/myth and the optimism of Vatican II. Personally, I think the US may have achieved its historical purpose by being a key player in the defeat of Nazism and Soviet Communism, and now the time approaches for a reckoning for our sins.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Much of the American hierarchy still thinks it's 1972 and the institutional Church is as respected as US Steel. Meanwhile, some Millennials don't know there were 12 apostles, and some Zoomers don't even know what an apostle is.

    • Brian Niemeier

      The only historical purpose a country needs to justify its existence is as a home for a particular nation.

      Americans have a right to a homeland. I will grant that our abominable sins may have merited the suppression or revocation of that right.

    • M. L. Martin

      I was unclear; historical purpose as a Great Power, not as a nation in its own right.

    • Cantus

      I think Mr Martin might be speaking in the tradition of Medieval historians, who often saw the great empires of Antiquity as characters, permitted to rise to power and endure for a time for God's purposes. For instance, Assyria and Babylon, to punish Israel's iniquity, Cyrus the Great's Persia to restore them to the Promised Land and rebuild the Temple, and Rome to defeat Carthage (which, being Moloch-worshippers were about as close to the Aztecs as the Old World ever came) and facilitate the salvation of the world through Christ. In that interpretation, he might be saying that the American Empire has fulfilled the purpose for which God permitted it to rise. Though it should be noted that even after their fall, those nations did not cease to be – Persia has remained powerful and relevant to Middle Eastern politics at almost all points of history, and the Italians still exist. So it may be that America's time as Empire will end, but the nation may endure, albeit in a different form.

  2. Alex

    This one really hits close to home.

    My sister and her husband are both lapsed Catholics living in the Silicon Valley area. They both work full time for Fortune 500 companies to live in their million dollar home and pay for their full-time nanny for my niece and nephew.

    Because my sister doesn't believe in Catholicism (but still deems herself worthy enough to receive the Body of Christ on the rare occasions she goes to Mass) she didn't baptize either of her children and won't send them to Catholic school. Nope, they're going to State Indoctrination Facilities.

    Given that she's teaching my niece and nephew "world religions" (despite the fact she barely understands the faith she was brought up in), she'll probably hope this legislation passes.

    I pray and offer up my fast to our Lord every day for the salvation of their souls and that my sister be granted the wisdom to baptize her children. My sister and her husband were brought up in the one true faith so they will not be able to proclaim ignorance on their days of judgment if they stay the course.

    • Brian Niemeier

      I join my prayers to your intentions.

  3. Kessie

    This is pretty rich considering the teachers unions in San Diego refuse to reopen schools unless they defund the police. The schools are already in a death spiral as students withdraw, cutting finding, meaning less teachers, meaning less students, meaning less funding …

    • Brian Niemeier

      The tactically sound Conservative approach would be to defund the police _and_ the schools.

    • CrusaderSaracen

      Conservatives advocating for the re-opening of schools seem to not know that they're advocating for others to slit their children's throats.

      Or they just don't love their children. But one should embrace the power of the word "and." AND they don't love their children

    • JD Cowan

      They know how bad it is. they've been making jokes about it for years.

      They just did the same thing they've always done about real problems.


  4. JE Hamilton

    Reciting a thing's name multiple times??
    I can only assume this savage knows exactly what he's doing.

    What the even FREAK???

    • Brian Niemeier

      Yes, he does. How is that shocking at this point?

  5. CrusaderSaracen

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. CrusaderSaracen

    But but what about-“







    • Brian Niemeier

      If space aliens visited Earth, they'd conclude that elder generations are waging genocidal war on their own progeny.

    • M. L. Martin

      Given the narcissism of many in those older generations and their willingness to sacrifice those generations for life and youth, I'm not sure how far wrong they are.

    • Brian Niemeier

      And no, I'm not singling out the Boomers here. Jonesers, Xers, & Ys all shipped their children off for Cult induction, too.

  7. Chris Lopes

    I assume these are the same Aztecs who used to wear the skins of their slaine enemies. Yes, much better to worship demon gods who call for the sacrifice of innocents than the prince of peace. These people are sick.

    • Brian Niemeier

      The Aztec religion was the closest any nation has come to having established devil worship as its state cult.

      So far

  8. Malchus

    Hernan Cortez did nothing wrong is a hill I will die on, and I have seen Death Cultists almost literally foaming at the mouth in response.

    The Aztecs were possibly the most evil religion to ever exist in the Western Hemisphere (with West African Voodoo as the only other contender). I will commit a stack of felonies before I let any child of mine offer even mock worship.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Good. Even dabbling in that stuff throws the door wide open to extraordinarily nasty things.

    • Zeedub85

      I've been reading Bernal Diaz del Castillo's account. His description of the Aztec priests and temples is truly horrifying.

    • xavier

      Yup. Ans I'm unurprised the conquistadors went all crusading inquisitorial on the Aztecs.
      The horror is still palpable even 5 centuries later
      One of the few times in history of a just war waged by righteous, but flawed men.


    • CrusaderSaracen

      It's often neglected to by those with agendas that Cortez and his men were accompanied by an army of at least 50,000 other natives who rose up against their Aztec overlords. As it happens, they didn't appreciate their children having their demonic hearts ripped out in satanic rituals

    • Brian Niemeier

      What pagan LARPers always conveniently ignore is that their ancestors abandoned paganism and kept Christianity for centuries because they liked it better.

    • CrusaderSaracen

      Point of clarification: i did not mean to put the word demonic where it is in my previous comment

    • xavier


      I'd also add our ancestors also preferred Christianity because it's reasonable and dosen't demand you ro carry bathshit evil rituals or stupid ideas about reality


    • Groffin

      Okay, I’m curious.
      What’s the most evil religion of the Eastern Hemisphere in your estimation then, and how does it square up against Aztecs and Voodoo?
      I myself am not familiar with many pagan traditions of any origin, but I will submit as a contender Thailand Folk Religion, if only for the existence of Kuman Thong.

    • A Reader

      The pagan larpers also lack the moral sense and mythological literacy to recognize that their gods are scoundrels and losers if they are not literally monsters

  9. JD Cowan

    OpEN up tHe SChoOls

    I was fortunate enough to go to a Catholic elementary school as a child. It wasn't particularly fantastic, but it did the job and the teachers, aside from my sixth grade one who later turned out to be a lesbian, were very good. My fifth grade teacher is very religious, and she was the best teacher I ever had.

    Going into the public school system after that taught me just how bad secular schooling was. It was so awful I vowed to never send any future children I might have into that place. And that was in the '90s.

    It didn't get much better later. One of my friends walked out on their final philosophy exam because they wanted him to prove or disprove the existence of God via sources that were very much against the idea. He saw through the obvious propaganda and never went back.

    So leaving this sort of thing unchallenged for decades, what did people think was going to happen?

    Make another underwater basket weaving joke. I'm sure it'll make the slightest bit of difference.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Mfw the underwater basket weavers are in charge.

  10. Rudolph Harrier

    Governor Walz (in MN) is pushing for "summer educational programs." The reasoning behind this is basically that "distance learning" options have been crap and we need universal summer school to fix that, and to provide field trips to compensate for locking kids indoors for a full year.

    "We're sorry for making your kids depressed while not teaching them anything. To make it up to you, please let us keep doing that for another three months."

    But a lot of people will look at this as a good deal, somehow.

  11. Groffin

    The Aztec Empire never extended beyond the bottom sixth of Mexico near the border of Central America. The other natives remained adamant that colonial rule was preferable to them even at the zenith of caste system oppression. Mexicans are a minority of the Latino immigrant population and the South Americans are sick to death of having their ethnic distinctions swept aside for Hollywood portrayals of “Mayincatec”, let alone the actual indigenous tribes of California.

    I know it’s futile to complain and bordering on Dems Are The Real Racists whinging, but is the country really so historically and geographically illiterate that they will submit to forced participation in Demon Snake Cultism on a narrative this flimsy?

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