Danger With Opportunity

Danger With Opportunity

One danger that dissenters from Death Cult dogma should regularly remind ourselves of is that the Cult is now the mainstream, so most folks don't share our views on pop culture. Keeping tabs on reactions to my Pop Cult exposé, I've been surprised to see how many ordinary Conservatives--even devout…
One Foot in the Grave

One Foot in the Grave

... and the other on a banana peel is an accurate description of the current state of oldpub. Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch plumbs the exact depth of the hole. There’s a shortage of paper, because it comes from China. The two largest printers of magazines and books in the U.S.,…

Moral Terms

Spend enough time staring into the abyss toward which the Left is hurtling us, and you eventually notice that political ideology is just a thin layer of scum coating the surface. Politics is, after all, the art of properly organizing society toward the greatest good for the most people. It's…
Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You

Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You

Is now a triple #1 new release on Amazon. My thorough takedown of the entertainment complex Death Cult is the #1 best seller in: Two-hour Politics and Social Sciences Short Reads Two-hour Religion and Spirituality Short Reads and in a delightfully fitting turn, Blasphemy, Heresy, and Apostasy. But I don't…
Trump to Suspend Immigration?

Trump to Suspend Immigration?

Apparently so, if we take this tweet the President issued last night at face value. Restricting immigration to the US was one of Trump's core campaign planks, so it's not like he needs an excuse to hang out the NO VACANCY sign. Circumstances have nonetheless dropped a number of excellent…
The Two Disappearances of Ian Hamilton

The Two Disappearances of Ian Hamilton

Soldier. Activist. Lawyer. Rector. Scottish nationalist Ian Hamilton has worn all of these hats throughout his notorious career. Hamilton distinguished himself as one of those flitting gadflies who always shows up in the middle of some outlandish controversy. Two episodes in his colorful life have attained legendary status: a pair…
That Went Poorly

That Went Poorly

The country once ruled by vikings and now run by basic HR denizens once again steps up to be the sterling example of what not to do. Yesterday: Today: For the extroverts out there, I know you're chomping at the bit to get out and socialize once the quarantine is…
Combat Data: VCD-2  Roter März

Combat Data: VCD-2 Roter März

VCD-2 Roter März Technical Data Model number: VCD-2 Name: Roter März Classification: Vercingetorix-class destroyer Manufacturer: Browning Engineering Corporation, from a Kazoku design Operator: HALO First deployment: CY 40 Crew: 6 command crew and up to 100 other passengers and crew standard; helmsman and 12 crew, skeleton Keel: 180 meters Beam: 45 meters…
Anime Neurotyping

Anime Neurotyping

Anime review YouTuber Digibro has unveiled his magnum opus: a rival for the Myers-Briggs personality inventory that neurotypes you based on how you think. And because he's an otaku, he neurotyped a whole bunch of anime characters first. Watch the video. Don't let the run time deter you. Digibro's profiles of…
No Such Syndrome

No Such Syndrome

For nearly 30 years, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation went to bat for alleged perpetrators of child molestation in cases where victims recovered repressed memories of childhood abuse. The cornerstone of their defense was False Memory Syndrome. But as sexual abuse researcher Michael Salter has pointed out, no such syndrome…