Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Since the launch of the Kindle and KDP, we've had doomsayers--mostly tradpub authors, editors, and agents--prophesying Amazon's imminent descent into tyranny. Most forecasts of impending woe were founded on the premise that Amazon is a monopoly, and as such would impose draconian royalty terms on authors as soon as the…
To Purify the Church, Build the Wall

To Purify the Church, Build the Wall

Another round of damning revelations has been brought to light in the perpetual gay priest child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. In sum, the State of Pennsylvania investigated 70 years of clergy sex abuse claims and found that 300 priests had abused at least 1000 minors. The height…
Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives

This incisive comment on my Fifth Columnists post by reader Constantin illustrating how #GamerGate gave many normies their first taste of the red pill merited its own guest post. Here's Constantin: This entire article summed up every change of perspectives I've experienced since 2014 until now.  GamerGate opened my eyes…
#ComicsGate: Diversity is Conformity

#ComicsGate: Diversity is Conformity

If anyone still wonders why comic book fans are up in arms over the desecration of their hobby by malicious SJW writers, artists, and editors, this Twitter exchange perfectly sums up the controversy: Got that? comics industry SJWs push for more "diversity", by which they mean ideological conformity. Fans note…
Practical to a Fault

Practical to a Fault

Rawle Nyanzi picks up from my previous post on the continued failures of conservatism with his theory on why conservatives have totally abdicated their former dominance in the arts. Mainstream conservatives are too practical, and this is why they ignore the arts. The US conservative ethos can be summed up…
The Most Principled Guys on the Cinder

The Most Principled Guys on the Cinder

A common rhetorical tactic of the Left is to accuse their opponents of sounding angry--as if all the folks in flyover country whom the coastal bubble dwellers bitterly hate are a legion of hotheaded Skywalkers charged with a violation of the Jedi Code. An even worse sin than general anger…

The Sad Puppies Saga Explained

The most common reaction when people find out I was nominated for a Hugo Award is for them to ask "What's a Hugo Award?" So I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people who are vaguely aware of propaganda claiming that right-wing bigots tried to deny women and minorities…
Unpersoned by Twitter’s Deep Shadowban

Unpersoned by Twitter’s Deep Shadowban

Having written before about Twitter's nasty penchant for censoring and outright banning users who deviate from the company's rigid left wing ideology, I fully expected the Twitter thought police to come for me. Milo Yiannopoulos warned as much. I just didn't expect them this soon. Late Friday afternoon: friends on…


Today marks the first anniversary of the superversive literary movement--where writers who are tired of establishment sci-fi's obsession with repeatedly burning the motherhood statement in effigy strive to raise SF from the ashes. The redoubtable Mr. Tom Simon declares the purpose of superversive science fiction: The subversives have pulled down…