Nethereal Suggested for Sad Puppies 4 and Praise for Daddy Warpig

Nethereal Suggested for Sad Puppies 4 and Praise for Daddy Warpig

We're five days into the Christmas season, and my regular social media haunts are brimming with encouraging; you might even say humbling, developments. Distant Hugo Rumblings It was recently brought to my attention that my debut novel Nethereal has been recommended for inclusion on the Sad Puppies 4 reading list. For…

Eyewitness to PNH Outburst Refutes CHORF Cover Story

This blog's regular readers may recall Tor Science Fiction Manager Patrick Nielsen Hayden's unprofessional outburst in response to my editor's appeal for reconciliation at this year's Hugo Awards. Now, more than three weeks after the fact, Teresa Nielsen Hayden emerges with a markedly (and conveniently) different version of events. Lamplighter's…

New Statement on the Hugo Data from Sasquan

Cathy Mullican sends this new reply to my demand that Sasquan follow the non-binding resolution passed at this year's business meeting and release the Hugo Award nominating data. The nominating and voting statistics are available from -- this is the data that has been released by every Worldcon since…
Hugo Committee Reneges on Resolution to Release Data

Hugo Committee Reneges on Resolution to Release Data

In a move that's par for the course in this drama-fraught Hugo Awards season, the Sasquan committee has announced their intention not to follow through on a non-binding resolution to release anonymized data pertaining to the 2015 award nominations. Back at Sasquan, the BM passed a non-binding resolution to request…
Superversive SF Post-Hugo Livestream

Superversive SF Post-Hugo Livestream

Earlier today I joined Hugo nominees John C. Wright, Arlan Adrews, and Jason Rennie; plus Sad Puppies 4 organizer Kate Paulk, GamerGate morale officer Daddy Warpig, and the usual Superversive SF crew for a post-awards Livestream. Who really won the Hugo Awards? Who made the asterisk, and what does it mean? Did #GG rig the nominations? Will…
Trad Publishing Has Forever Beclowned the Hugos

Trad Publishing Has Forever Beclowned the Hugos

This past Saturday in Spokane, the 2015 Hugo Awards were presented to the authors of the finest sci-fi and fantasy tales of the year, based solely on the merits of their work. OK. Sorry. Keyboard-shaking spasms of laughter are making it impossible to keep up the pretense. I'll start again.…

Hugo Livestream Saturday

I just can't seem to stay off of podcasts lately. This Saturday, August 1 at 3:00 PM EDT, I'll be joining the Superversive SF team for another live hangout. The topic this time will of course be the upcoming Hugo Awards. Should be a rousing conversation. Keep checking the link…

Transhuman and Subhuman Part XIV: Childhood’s End and Gnosticism

Continuing from the previous post, we now consider the Gnostic foundations of Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke as demonstrated by John C. Wright. "I say CHILDHOOD’ S END is ‘Gnostic’, a heresy of the Christians," Wright explains, "because I do not see the attitude or mind-set of any other religion…

Transhuman and Subhuman Part XII: The Big Three of Science Fiction

The twelfth essay in Transhuman and Subhuman by John C. Wright corrects the popular misconception that the third member of the Big Three Campbellian authors, alongside Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein, wasn't Arthur C. Clarke or Ray Bradbury, but A.E. van Vogt. Wright points out that neither Clarke nor Bradbury were…