Fixing Frank

Fixing Frank

As a follow up to yesterday's postmortem on Penny Arcade, I thought I'd address some of the comments about how the comic lost its way by showing how it could be fixed.Comics being a visual medium that capitalizes on a picture speaking a thousand words, the best way to explain…
Web Comics Autopsy: Penny Arcade

Web Comics Autopsy: Penny Arcade

Pop culture trends come in cycles. A new property shows up on the scene, gains traction, and explodes in popularity. Entropy always gets a vote, though, and the IP holders inevitably turn to milking the brand. A consequent decline in quality follows, and the brand--sometimes the whole genre--goes moribund. The…
The Marvel Heresy

The Marvel Heresy

Another day, another beloved IP despoiled by woke corporatism. Last night, Mister Metokur broke the following cringeworthy yet inevitable news: Read more on the impending Marvel heresy here. The second paragraph is the most telling, as it's an unabashed piece of brand management. It's Marvel's megacorp owners trading on the…
The Corporate IP Death Cycle

The Corporate IP Death Cycle

As a fitting follow up to yesterday's post about how shortsighted corporatism killed American comics, YouTuber David V. Stewart recommended his insightful video The 5 Phases of Corporate IP Ownership. In his video, David breaks down the corporate decision making process that runs franchises across all media, not just comics,…
Amazing Spider-Man #666

What Really Killed Comics

Everybody has a theory of how the American comic book industry died. "It was the early 90s investor boom," some say. "The glut of variant covers and similar sales gimmicks created a bubble, and when it burst it took out the direct market." Others lay the blame on publishers driving…
Did Normies Ruin Comics?

Did Normies Ruin Comics?

A cherished reader passed along this video by David Stewart, wherein David addresses the theory that an influx of normies ruined the comics industry. From the transcript: I don't think that normal or mainstream people ruined comics at all. I actually think it was the opposite. Comics were taken out…
It’s All on You

It’s All on You

Best selling author Jon Del Arroz delivered an urgent plea for sanity on the part of comic book fans in a recent Periscope. Here's a sampling of Jon's wisdom, somewhat redacted for time and clarity. Be attentive! Marvel made this announcement about...they're giving JJ Abrams and his son a miniseries…
The Curse of Fandom

The Curse of Fandom

There are those who describe the fandom phenomenon as the circuses part of the bread and circuses of our age. That's not entirely accurate. Ancient Roman plebs didn't worship the gladiators sent out to distract them from their empire's fall. In the crumbling American Empire, geek culture has been deployed…
RIP Stan Lee

RIP Stan Lee

Yesterday we saw the passing of comics giant Stan Lee. With the possible exception of George Lucas, Lee's influence on American pop culture was arguably unrivaled--and you'd need a damn good argument against it. You can't open a web browser, turn on the TV, or walk down the street without…
Vigorous Vulgar Language

Vigorous Vulgar Language

Three years after I cited Aftermath as the canary in Star Wars' coal mine, the author of the poorly written SJW message fic in question, soiboi poster child Chuck Wendig, has been informed his services are no longer needed. Chuck Wendig, the New York Times-bestselling author of the Star Wars: Aftermath…