Waid vs. Meyer Round Two

Waid vs. Meyer Round Two

Early this summer I reported that Richard Meyer of Diversity & Comics fame was having Marvel writer Mark Waid prosecuted in New York, California, and Texas for interfering with the publication of Meyer's Jawbreakers comic book.  Now Meyer has turned up the heat on Waid again by filing civil suit against…
Comics in the Rear View Mirror

Comics in the Rear View Mirror

A boy's elders telling him he'd grow out of comic books used to be a common American cliche. That was back when America was still a country, we didn't hate our kids, and the comics industry wasn't just an IP farm for rootless megacorps. If you want a picture of…


This is why we can't have nice things. First, let's turn back the clock to Friday's post, wherein I warned the memebrs of #ComicsGate that they were repeating the same mistakes as #GamerGate and Sad Puppies. A couple of comments seem downright prescient in light of yesterday's turf war. First,…
Doomed to Repeat It

Doomed to Repeat It

It was only a matter of time before the SJW hive turned its full venom against the lovable upstarts of #ComicsGate. Richard Meyer, Ethan Van Sciver, and the movement's other independent comic book creators have dared to point out that the emperor has no clothes. Adding insult to injury, they've…

Building Institutions

The following is my response to a reader who raised a number of thought-provoking questions prompted by yesterday's post. I thought it merited a post of its own. Building institutions is what the Right does. The Left is incapable of building anything. That's why they only ever parasitize existing institutions.…
Eat the Universe Indeed

Eat the Universe Indeed

Bleeding Fool reports that failing legacy comic book publisher Marvel Comics is ostensibly reaching out to fans by offering a slate of sub-G4 tier programming, including a barely Marvel-themed cooking show. The two on the right look like they just discovered Heather Antos' boiled bunny in that pot. Ever since Marvel…
Sculpture-on-Sculpture Violence

Sculpture-on-Sculpture Violence

In the wake of comics legend Steve Ditko's passing, reader Man of the Atom shares a Ditko story that's downright prescient in light of the culture war being waged in comics--and all media-today. The following excerpts are taken from the plot synopsis of Blue Beetle #5 from November, 1968. At…
RIP Steve Ditko

RIP Steve Ditko

Steve Ditko, the comics legend who created Mr. A and co-created Spider-Man, has passed away.  The ever-eloquent Razörfist delivers the eulogy: Yet another light has gone out in the comics industry and in the West. We stand in desperate need of new creators ready and able to succeed--but never replace!--the…
Those Who Cannot Remember the Past

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past

Several major personalities at the forefront of #ComicsGate held a rather lengthy live stream the other day, largely to air out simmering grievances over perceived calls for gatekeeping in their budding enterprise. I've included the whole video below. It's worth watching to get the straight dope directly from the horse's…
Chuck Dixon’s 10 Comic Commandments

Chuck Dixon’s 10 Comic Commandments

Longtime A list comic book writer Chuck Dixon reveals his Ten Commandments of Comic Book Scripting. 1. OPEN STRONG.Get your story off and running. 2. ONLY ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE.Just the talking you need to put the point across. 3. AT LEAST THREE PIECES OF ACTION PER STORY.They can be mixed major…