Attic Hatch

It Came Through the Attic

A Kairos OG brings us the return of high strangeness in what may be the installment most likely to elicit a cautionary glance over your shoulder.  Just before the 2016 election, I moved into a house split into two separate apartments. Well, mostly separate, as you'll see later. The neighborhood…
Mulder Aliens

I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens

Regular readers of this blog will know that I'm no hard-nosed skeptic. That said, Charles Fort himself warned against being so open-minded that one's brains spilled out. The sudden candidness about UFOs on the part of the military, Congress, and the media raises ample reason for caution, if only because…

Cursed Consoles

Despite their bleeding edge trappings, video games have come into their own as a mature technology. The video game industry is now older than most of the people reading this post. Like theater and movies, video gaming has amassed its own body of insider lore. This secret history runs the…
Top Tic Tac

Top Tic Tac

The following report of high strangeness comes courtesy of a respected reader of this blog, whose identity will remain anonymous. You'll soon understand why. So we've got a lot of government UFO stuff coming out of late, with the testimony before Congress that unidentified things keep buzzing our bases and…
Toys in the Attic

Toys in the Attic

It's high time we had another tale of high strangeness on this blog. Today's hackle-raising account comes courtesy of author David V. Stewart.This sort of thing actually inspired one of my books - Eyes in the Walls.At my old house one time the attic light came on by itself, and…
Five Fingers

Five Fingers

This story comes from 4chan's /x/ board, so take it with a grain of salt. It does meet the criterion of weird tales purported to be true, so keep an open mind and enjoy.Okay I'm not sure if anyone else out there will find this story very creepy, but it's…
The Crow

The Crow

Lately, movie reviews and true accounts of high strangeness have become popular post subjects here. With the spooky season upon us and Hollywood on its knees due to Corona-chan, I thought it fitting to post my analysis of a movie that is itself a nexus of high strangeness. Said to…
It Was Under the Bed

It Was Under the Bed

 A reader who wishes to remain anonymous writes in with a personal tale of high strangeness.First, I don't usually believe when people tell me about their paranormal experiences.  I've known so many people who clearly bullshit and lie about things that never really happened (or at least I highly doubt…

The Vanishing of Ambrose Bierce

To call Ambrose Bierce a writer would be an understatement. This famous--some might say infamous--author, journalist, solider, and adventurer left a mark on American culture comparable only to the likes of Poe, Lovecraft, Greeley, and Twain. His Devil's Dictionary skewered official and media doubletalk a century before the politically correct crowd's…
She Was Robbed!

She Was Robbed!

Amid the endless revelations of Hollywood's current moral and creative decay, it's refreshing to look back to the movie industry's Golden Age, when the scandals and intrigues at least had a hint of novelty. Take the case of Alice Brady, one of the talented few whose career survived the end…