Pan's Labyrinth

Meandering Through Pan’s Labyrinth

The record-setting campaign for my dark fantasy epic Lord of Fate is in its final hours. Don't miss these exclusive rewards at limited-time discounts. Back it on Kickstarter Before eccentric director Guillermo del Toro was filming giant robots and collaborating on mammoth movies like The Hobbit, he was best known…
ACKS to Grind - Rick Stump

Macris’ ACKS to Grind With Stump

Dear readers: You can help save dark fantasy by backing my epic adventure novel Lord of Fate, now funding on Kickstarter. Video gaming has gotten a lot of attention lately, in large part due to colossal blunders made by industry leaders. It helps that vidya is now the dominant entertainment sector,…
Geek Gab

Lord of Fate Comes to Geek Gab

My gracious colleagues Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal invited me back on the venerable Geek Gab live stream last night. We talked cyberpunk and the Crow remake. And I gave viewers an early look at the imminent campaign for Arkwright Cycle Book II: Lord of Fate. Watch the replay here:…
Newpub Talk Chaos

The Book Industry in Chaos

It's been obvious for a while now to anyone who's not chasing unicorns that the book industry is in chaos. The sworn testimony given by editors, authors, and agents in the Penguin Random House-Simon and Schuster merger trial revealed that only 10 percent of oldpub titles move more than 2,000…
Bob Gymlan Joe Rogan

Bob Gymlan on The Joe Rogan Experience

It's been a minute since we featured a tale or two of high strangeness on this blog. The work of bigfoot expert Bob Gymlan has been featured here before. As far as YouTubers go, Gymlan is refreshing for keeping an open mind and doing his homework. So I was delighted…
Geek Gab

Geek Gab Reunion Episode!

It seems as though everywhere you look in contemporary fiction, whether in fantasy, science fiction, or even litfic, you see the same crisis of villainy. We all know the shopworn tropes by now: Evil is a subjective point of view. Why, turn the story around to tell it from the…
Generation Video Banner

Generation Video Grand Opening

OG readers will know that I have a soft spot for retro film review podcasts. Whether it's author JD Cowan's Cannon Cruisers or, to go all the way back, the late, great Drunken Zombie Podcast, listening in while a couple of guys talk 80s and 90s movies is a guilty…
Retro Stream

Years Ago and in Another Country

A common saying has it that the past is another country. It's taken as a figure of speech, but pay a visit to almost any mid-American shopping mall these days, and the prevailing vibe resembles an archaeological site. What was the hub of American commerce in the previous era is…
Death Cult Mouse

Defeating the Death Cult

Hot off the press! Or on the electron superhighway, as it were. Mere hours ago, I joined pop culture commentator and rosary warrior John F. Trent, lately of Bounding Into Comics, on his new show The Trent Report. John is on a mission to save Western culture from the Death…
Silence and Starsong

Redeemable Demons on Silence and Starsong

Quite unexpectedly, my recent writings on the redeemable demons trope ruffled a lot of feathers. It also occasioned some rigorous discussion. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the sympathetic devil meme and the rationale behind it. At the height of the controversy, the gracious hosts of Silence and Starsong…