Death Cult Compass Wide2

Briggs’ Death Cult Compass

A frequent topic of debate in counterculture circles is the question of how much credence our tyrannical rulers really place in their bizarre secular religion. Opion ranges from anti-Woke YouTubers who are sure Hollywood executives are on the make for a quick buck, to Christian monarchists firm in their conviction…
We Live in a Society

A Sane and Healthy Society

With Con Inc collapsing, its aging devotees sound like they've suffered a strange form of partial memory loss. They are smart, well-meaning people. Yet the mere utterance of certain buzzwords is enough to make them suspend their Christian morals and carry on like the market is a god. If one…
Con Inc Crackup

The Coming Crackup of Con Inc

Unless you have a heart of stone, you've got to take pity on normie Conservatives' plight. Though still immersed in consumer culture, every brand they love to consume long ago sold out to people who hate them. Included in that regime-aligned rogues' gallery are the manufacturers of Conservative politics and…
Varadkar 1

Leo Varadkar Resigns as Irish PM

Foundering Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has announced his resignation in the wake of his party's recent crushing defeats at the ballot box. Leo Varadkar’s decision to step down as prime minister of Ireland was so surprising that, according to reports, not even colleagues from his centre-right party, Fine Gael,…
Perverse Generation

Faithless and Perverse Generation

American members of Generation Z face overlapping crises of identity, faith, and general happiness, if recent reports are to be believed. According to several high-profile surveys, young adults in America may be the most faithless and perverse generation yet. And they're suffering the mental and spiritual health consequences. Young people…
Matt Walsh Parade

Walsh Tries to Jump the GamerGate Parade

The Grift Right's paymasters must be desperate to distract normies from some brewing enormity. Because they've got their controlled opposition mouthpieces out in force stirring up controversy. First it was Hollywood creature Ben Shapiro arguing for people to work till they drop dead. Now his Gen Y crony Matt Walsh…
Little Ben's Ponzi Scheme

Little Ben’s Ponzi Scheme

Daily Wire face man Ben Shapiro sparked controversy on Tuesday when he advocated raising the US retirement age and called retirement itself "a stupid idea," barring some kind of health issue. Here is the video wherein Shapiro made his pitch for working until death: When challenged on his castigation…
Family Living

Pay a Living Wage: Challenge Impossible!

A reader writes: I read your latest post on usury and Catholic Social Teaching, and ended up in an argument with someone who claimed that it is impossible for every job to pay a Living Wage, and that the Catechism's words must therefore be interpreted as "everyone must have the…
Irish Anti-Family Referendum 1

Irish Anti-Family Referendum Defeated

A referendum that would have replaced the Irish constitution's recognition of the family's basis in marriage with accretions involving other "durable relationships" suffered overwhelming defeat on Saturday. The ballot count shows that the anti-family referendum was rejected by 67.7 percent of Irish voters. The overall Referendum Returning Officer Barry Ryan…
1990s despair

The 1990s: Decade of Despair

"If only Pat Buchanan had beaten Bush for the nomination!" "If only George Lucas had adapted the Zahn  Trilogy instead of making the Special Editions!" "If only Sega had won the fifth console generation!" "If only Clear Channel hadn't taken over top 40 rock radio!" "If only they'd kept it…