The Unholy Tribunal

The Unholy Tribunal

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've seen me chronicle how Conservatives forfeited the entertainment industry to the Left while putting up only token resistance. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Creators who dissent from the rabid death cult the Left has curdled into find…
The Amazon Age

The Amazon Age

Pulp Archivist takes to Twitter to ask: Oldpub is dead. The Amazon age is truly upon us. How do publishers make money? You might say, "by selling books," and you'd be wrong. Books aren't commodities like TVs and toothpaste. They're pure information. Nobody buys just one book, and eBooks have…
A Simple Solution

A Simple Solution

Leading Hispanic author Jon Del Arroz recently took to Facebook to explain why those who boycott major platforms such as Patreon, Indiegogo, and Amazon, mainly hurt indie creators on their own side, despite having the best of intentions. Well-meaning commenters soon arrived to propose workarounds. The solution is very simple.…
Between the Wolves and the Tiger

Between the Wolves and the Tiger

They will never leave us alone, and nowhere is safe. Item 1: New author Amelie Wen Zhao, a refugee from Communist China, was recently harangued by SJWs into pulling her upcoming debut novel from publication with Delacorte Press. She was further compelled to post a 1984 style confession and apology for her…
Disney Drops the Copyright Ball

Disney Drops the Copyright Ball

Last year I reported on Disney's shady practice of spending millions to lobby Congress for copyright extensions every time Mickey and the gang were set to enter the public domain. Now business as usual has taken a major turn as Congress has neglected to pass a copyright extension bill before…
Another Comparison to Galaxy’s Edge

Another Comparison to Galaxy’s Edge

The Injustice Gamer compares and contrasts a few established and upcoming newpub projects, including the formidable Galaxy's Edge  and my own Combat Frame XSeed. Galaxy's Edge does a lot of stuff very much right. They started with a bang, filling a desire with their #starwarsnotstarwars postings on twitter, and marketing that…
When Elephants Fight

When Elephants Fight

The following is a blanket response to questions and comments from several people both on and off this blog. We authors know that the reader is king, and that we are competing with TV, movies, and beer for his hard-earned dollars. I would not presume to gainsay readers' market preferences.…
Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Since the launch of the Kindle and KDP, we've had doomsayers--mostly tradpub authors, editors, and agents--prophesying Amazon's imminent descent into tyranny. Most forecasts of impending woe were founded on the premise that Amazon is a monopoly, and as such would impose draconian royalty terms on authors as soon as the…

Building Institutions

The following is my response to a reader who raised a number of thought-provoking questions prompted by yesterday's post. I thought it merited a post of its own. Building institutions is what the Right does. The Left is incapable of building anything. That's why they only ever parasitize existing institutions.…
We Are the Industry

We Are the Industry

The gatekeepers of legacy print and comic book publishing have a habit of referring to themselves as "the Industry". Claiming that exclusive label may have been justified when the only alternatives were underground comics Xeroxed at the library or vanity presses. That claim started to sound disingenuous with the explosion…