Witches - Ed Dutton

Witches Burned

It's always encouraging to see more people catching on to the evil influence of witches. Dissident blogger the Z Man joins the swelling ranks of witchfinders in the latest episode of his popular podcast. This week’s show is about how to deal with the witches we call leftists, feminists, cult-Marxists,…
Abrahamic Covenant

Contracts v Covenants

Yesterday's post on Gen Y's default transactional view of relationships drew comment from Ys who inadvertently proved what they sought to refute. It's understandable. As most commenters noted, Gen Y's upbringing by Boomer parents who tried to buy their affection instilled them from the start with a quid pro quo…
Archbishop Broglio

Archbishop Upholds Catholic Doctrine

That headline shouldn't be newsworthy, but here in Clown World, it's a bombshell. Archbishop of the U.S. military services Timothy Broglio has issued a statement against forcing American service members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, saying that “no one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would…
Stolen Moral Authority

Stolen Moral Authority

Frequent readers of this blog are aware of what I call the Witch Test. For our purposes, a witch is a shill for the Death Cult who uses Christian teaching as a convenient stick to beat Christians. Half the time they claim to be Christian themselves. The Witch Test calls…
Catholic Giving Stats

To Purify the Church, Cut off the Money

Folks I interact with IRL and online increasingly ask me what they can do about the American Catholic hierarchy's deafness to their concerns. Whether it's complicity in the canon law-violating restriction of access to the sacraments, covering up abuse of adolescent boys by gay priests, or facilitating the invasion of…

The Moral Calculus

A reader lays out the moral calculus of taking infanticide-related medical treatments, specifically for the purpose of warding off Corona-chan. Here is my take on things: -The vaccines were created using cell lines from aborted fetuses. Some just in testing, others in production. Thus using them constitutes cooperation with evil.…
Demon Face

It Showed Itself

A comment occasioned by a recent post offers us a twofold tale of high strangeness and spiritual warfare. I have seen demons myself. One night, after a series of bizarre dreams, I woke up to the faint sound of my mother calling for help. My mother lives far across town…
The Devil Believes in You

The Devil Believes in You

Recently I've received a number of questions pertaining to spiritual warfare, particularly the mechanisms of demonic activity. New readers find this blog all the time, so it's important to give refreshers on the basics from time to time. Sun Tzu 101 dictates that you can't beat an enemy you don't…
Pray Shroud

An Icon Not Made by Hands

A major point in Christianity's favor that sets it apart from other religions and bolsters its truth claims is the historicity of its central events. Unlike other traditions' myths of demigods and divinized heroes, Christ's birth, ministry, and death are not said to have occurred in some nebulous age of…
China Future

Showing up for the Future

The old proverb "The purpose of your life may be to serve as a warning to others" scales up to the national level, if China's swift and decisive reaction to the American Woke Cult is any indication. Over the last few weeks, China has shown that it isn’t just charting…