Education Limits

A Hard Limit

As society continues its accelerating slide into the abyss, people are starting to realize that locking kids in state daycare prisons for eight hours a day doesn't make them smarter. Since I'm being contrarian on main, universal literacy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I…

The Death of Metal

Members of older generations have taken to lamenting the musical taste - or lack thereof - displayed by Generation Z. It's easy to understand why. Every generation from the Boomers to the Millennials was raised on rock & roll. That definitive American music genre not only served as a cross-generational…
John Paul the Great

An Exorcist Hated and Feared by the Devil

Reader Martin J. Ashwood responds to extremely online tradcath rancor toward St. John Paul the Great by citing this article: John Paul II was also an exorcist, hated and feared by the devil, according to the famous exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth. Until the beginning of his pontificate, exorcisms were considered…
It's Demons

It’s Demons

Recent interactions on Twitter made me think it's time for a reminder about why we need the Witch Test, and how to apply it. In all the years I've run this blog, nothing I've written has galled the Death Cult more than my observation that their heretical religion is informed…
Synodal Witches

Synodal Witches Mad

In another instance of the Pope being Catholic, Papa Francis has smacked down the schismatic Synodal Path. The Vatican on Thursday slammed the brakes on a German progressive movement that aims to give lay Catholics a say in doctrinal matters such as homosexuality and women priests, saying this risked causing…
Rational Motives

Rational Motives

Reader Andrew Philips comments on a recent post: You’ve cautioned us against ascribing rational motives to the folks who are running things right now, so I won’t. Who knows if any of them believed all the things they said about angry white men, domestic terrorism, white supremacy, institutional racism, or…


Anyone who's been paying attention knows that the entertainment industry is now the Death Cult's propaganda organ. The more astute observers know that the subversion of Hollywood started decades ago. The movie, music, and game industries aren't alone in their anti-evangelism for the new civic religion. Almost every major corporation…
David Ellison Top Gun

Hired Gun

The US military has been having meeting enlistment quotas these past few years. The government's response to the virus scare deserves its share of the blame. So do rising obesity rates among fighting age Americans. But browse a few of the news pieces lamenting low recruitment, and you'll notice that…
Hobby Lobby Protest

Hobgoblins Lobbying Walgreens

A favorite idle pastime of Conservatives is chuckling online about how weak, dumb, and crazy Leftists are. Then they go back to binge-streaming the latest Disney skinsuit. Meanwhile, the Left boycotts businesses for real or imagined infractions of their Death Cult creed. Walgreens is catching major flack from the perpetually…

The Bigfoot Defense

Perhaps Sasquatch will succeed where Son of Sam's dog failed. A man accused of killing his friend told Oklahoma deputies that his friend “summoned Bigfoot” to kill him, leaving him no choice but to defend himself, according to media outlets. The Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call about…