Civilizational Decay

Civilizational Decay

In the midst of this civilizational decay, it's easy to forget that the gradual but snowballing affronts to human nature that brought us here were billed as steps toward a sexy, gleaming utopia. The myth of progress is as central to the Death Cult as salvation is to Christianity. Which…

Death Cult Discipline of the Secret

If you still have your kids in Death Cult Seminary school, and you think you know what's going on there, think again. Because Cultist teachers now think they're 100 percent justified in keeping their grooming secret from Christian parents. A Washington teacher complained on Friday that many schools’ “guidelines and…
Burning Branches

A Branch That Withers

File under: Schismatics gonna schism. A group of 12 Anglican archbishops from around the world have announced that they no longer believe the Church of England to be their “mother church” after the General Synod voted to allow priests to conduct blessings of same-sex couples in civil union. In a…

They’re Coming for Christians Again

As reported before on this blog, the ruling Death Cult and its legion of media-indoctrinated fanatics have declared war on Christ and His Church. An 18-inch pipe bomb was discovered behind a Catholic church in Philadelphia Sunday afternoon, prompting the bomb squad to respond to the scene. A passerby found…
Josh Alexander

Reason #8,964,283 to Raise Your Own Kids

Let me preface this story by pointing out it happened in Canada. With a tyrannical dictator for life who's legally sanctioned sacrificing his subjects to the Enemy, it's the nearest Current Year equivalent to Mordor. Josh Alexander, a Canadian high school student who protested his Catholic school last year allowing…

Satanic Sacrament

Some people still think I'm exaggerating when I call our debauched ruling class a Death Cult and abortion their unholy communion. But current events keep making it harder for people who downplay those realities to keep their heads in the sand. The Satanic Temple isn’t just promoting the killing of…

A Rash of Sacrilege

The so-called Culture War is one front in an escalating war between Satan and the Church. You could be excused for not realizing it, since the media tends to bury reports of attacks motivated by hatred of the faith. Because the press is the enemy. But the situation is getting…
Holy Spirit

Except in the Holy Spirit …

... no one can say Jesus is Lord. Some recent examples from Twitter: In case you're just joining us, the above exchange is a textbook example of the still infallible Witch Test. Here's another demonstration:     At this point, so many anti-Christs who cloak their Death Cult proselytizing in…
Grooming Books

Reason #56,346,341 to Raise Your Own Kids

This is not an isolated incident. A California teacher who maintains a classroom library with books containing explicit sexual imagery and information on BDSM, orgies, and kinks recently claimed those books help students discover “who they are.” That is one of the most pernicious errors of our age, and it's…
Cain and Abel

Evil Cult Is Evil

Some people still think I'm engaging in hyperbole when I describe the contemporary Left as a Death Cult. They cling to that opinion despite the Left embracing child sacrifice and mutilation as sacraments. And that was before they started being open about murdering people they disagree with. Now, a Twitter…