Lords of Salem

Salem Witch

It is with no regret whatsoever that I inform you they still can't say it. Exhibit A: The troll that scuttled in yesterday to snipe at Nick Fuente from behind the cover of Christian morality But is he just a garden variety troll, or a witch? There's one sure way…
The Altar of the Death Cult

The Altar of the Death Cult

This blog has been diligent in exposing the secular Death Cult our rulers pay homage to. I've documented that it has all the trappings of a religion: An origin story A moral code (though cribbed and twisted from Christianity) Forms of public and private worship The latter include liturgical rites…
It's Demons

It’s Demons

Recent interactions on Twitter made me think it's time for a reminder about why we need the Witch Test, and how to apply it. In all the years I've run this blog, nothing I've written has galled the Death Cult more than my observation that their heretical religion is informed…
Synodal Witches

Synodal Witches Mad

In another instance of the Pope being Catholic, Papa Francis has smacked down the schismatic Synodal Path. The Vatican on Thursday slammed the brakes on a German progressive movement that aims to give lay Catholics a say in doctrinal matters such as homosexuality and women priests, saying this risked causing…
Hobby Lobby Protest

Hobgoblins Lobbying Walgreens

A favorite idle pastime of Conservatives is chuckling online about how weak, dumb, and crazy Leftists are. Then they go back to binge-streaming the latest Disney skinsuit. Meanwhile, the Left boycotts businesses for real or imagined infractions of their Death Cult creed. Walgreens is catching major flack from the perpetually…
Bronze Age Witch

Bronze Age Witch

Wherein a certain nude bodybuilder fails the Witch Test Beware alleged dissident influencers who eschew Christianity. At best, they're intellectual, political, and spiritual dead ends. And most of them are controlled opposition from establishment academia. And once again, they just can't say His Name. To learn the secrets of the…
Georgia Guidestones Rubble

Guidestones Struck Down

Posts about spiritual warfare, politics, and high strangeness are among the most popular on this blog. Today we have a story that combines all three. First, for those who didn't yet know, the controversial Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed. Here's a video of the explosion. For a while after the…
3 More Cults

Three More Cults

The West's large-scale apostasy from Christianity has produced widespread cultural changes - and not the ones we were promised. It turns out that humans are built for belief. Take away our faith in God, and we'll transfer it to something else. Even normies are starting to notice the bizarre spectacle…
Witches Mad

Christ Triumphant

That's it. That's the post. Except to say glory to the Almighty and ever-merciful God! And we've still got much more work to do.
Cult Dome

The Cult of Google

For a while now, I've been shedding light on how most cultural and economic institutions, including Big Tech, subscribe to a cult mentality. If the allegations made in a recent lawsuit are to be believed, Google in particular is being taken over by an actual cult. A pretentious and problematic…